Community Garden Volunteer Information

Gardeners gather around a table for a potluck.
Interested in volunteering with the community garden program? Learn how to participate in upcoming volunteer opportunities.
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Community Gardens Events Calendar

Interested in volunteering with the community garden program? View the Community Gardens Events Calendar for upcoming volunteer opportunities.

One-Time and Group Work Party Opportunities

We host work parties on a regular basis at rotating garden sites throughout the city.

  • Help spruce up existing community gardens - weeding, mulching, planting, pruning, and more.
  • Help grow new community gardens - building beds, laying paths, spreading mulch, and more.
  • Green thumbs encouraged but not required!

Some of our work parties are hosted by our partner, Hands On Greater Portland. Follow the link provided under each opportunity to RSVP for the work party. You must sign up through Hands On Greater Portland to attend the work party.

On-going Volunteer Opportunities

Plot Holders
Plot holders are required to spend a minimum of six hours per year on community projects at their garden site. Any work that is done outside of one's plot counts toward service hours. At least 3 community hours must be completed and recorded by June 31, and a total of 6 hours must be completed and recorded by October 31.

These community service hours are intended for areas outside of your plot, such as maintaining common areas and pathways surrounding your plot, help with garden management or Produce for People program - or other special projects. Gardeners are responsible for recording their hours in the Volunteer binder at their garden site.

Please contact your volunteer garden manager for specific volunteer opportunities at your garden site. If your garden site does not have a manager, contact Mikael Brust at or 503-823-6745.

Produce For People Coordinator 

Since 1995, the Produce for People Program has been linking community gardens with local food banks to provide people in need with fresh, healthy, local produce. The PFP Coordinator conducts outreach to gardeners about the program, builds relationships with recipient agencies, acquires necessary resources, coordinates produce collection and delivery, and records all donations. 

If interested in becoming a Produce For People Coordinator at your garden site, contact Mikael Brust at or 503-823-6745.

Volunteer Garden Manager 
Garden leaders are committed to supporting all community members and creating an inclusive and welcoming environment at the garden. They encourage cooperation, shared responsibilities, and foster mutually beneficial and respectful relationships between gardeners, neighbors, visitors, and staff. Managers act as the liaison between gardeners and staff and help new gardeners integrate into the community. They educate gardeners about program rules, encourage community involvement, and help their garden to be a beautiful, productive community asset.

Volunteer garden managers often work in leadership teams, are self-selected or recruited by program staff when there is a vacancy. Garden managers are encouraged to commit to one full garden season and each fall have the option of continuing on to the following year or assisting in recruiting a replacement. See position descriptions for more details:

 If you are interested in becoming a garden manager at your community garden, please contact the Community Gardens office at

Green Thumb Orchard Volunteer Opportunities

If interested in volunteering at the historic Green Thumb Orchard, contact the on-site volunteer coordinator at