Emergency shelters and Winter City Services
  • The shelters are open from 8 p.m. until at least noon Thursday. More information: Multco.us/Cold. Check on your neighbors.
  • Find city services information: road closures, transportation updates, preventing frozen home plumbing, tree emergencies.
Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Submit Service Hours Online

Helensview Community Garden
As part of our program policies all gardeners must contribute and log a minimum of 6 hours per year in service to your community garden. Three hours must be completed by June 30, and a total of 6 hours must be completed by October 31.

Log Hours Online

Service Hour Tasks

Community service hours must be completed outside your own plot and be activities that
help with general garden maintenance, supports the Produce for People program, or aids
another gardener who has requested help.

Some common tasks include:

  • Clearing undesired plants from the pathway or fence line
  • Cleaning the common areas of the garden
  • Helping in a neighbor’s plot (only with their express permission)
  • Cleaning the tool shed
  • Organizing a plot watering exchange in your garden
  • Helping in a donation plot or taking extra vegetables to a donation site

We encourage you to reach out to your garden manager, Produce for People coordinator, or
garden neighbors to learn more about areas that need a little extra help.

Accommodation Options

If you are unable to complete some or all of your service hours, please let us know. You must
complete hours or request an accommodation to be compliant with the policy for the
season. All accommodation requests must be made prior to the June or
October deadline.

To request an accommodation, please email pkcomgard@portlandoregon.gov
or call 503-823-1612.


Gardeners unable to complete three service hours by the June 30 deadline can
request an extension to complete all six service hours by October 31.

Gardeners assigned to their plot May 1 or later automatically receive an
extension for service hours. All 6 hours must be completed by October 31, unless a waiver is requested.

Partial Waiver

The three hour requirement due June 30 is waived. You must complete and log at
least 3 hours by October 31.

Full Waiver

You will not be required to complete or log any service hours in the season you make the request. The
waiver is only valid for one season, so you will need to complete hours or
request a new waiver the next season.


You have personal or medical circumstances that permanently prevent you from being
able to complete hours. An exemption only needs to be requested once and carries
over season to season.

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