Gardening resources to support you in your garden plot.
On this page
Portland Community Gardens New Gardener Orientation
Organic Gardening
- Metro Natural Gardening Resources
- Grow Portland’s Garden Resource Library
- No synthetic chemicals (herbicides, pesticides or chemical fertilizers) are allowed in Portland Parks & Recreation's community gardens unless they are listed on the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) product list
OSU Extension Service Fall & Winter Vegetable Gardening in the Pacific Northwest
Planting and Harvest Calendars
- Portland Nursery Veggie Calendar
- Oregon Tilth Planting & Harvest Calendar
- Oregon State University Planting Calendar
Soil and Composting
Invasive Plants
Safety in the Community Garden
Pest Management
Rodent Prevention
Destructive Garden Insects
Portland Gardening Organizations
- Friends of Portland Community Gardens has been a hands-on advocacy resource for the Portland gardening community for over 30 years. We empower gardeners to make the most of their community garden plots by providing communal supplies such as compost and tools.
- Grow Portland helps connect gardeners of all abilities with the learning opportunities needed to grow their own food.
- Growing Gardens provides garden installation, plant seeds and starts, compost, tools and educational workshops for families, runs school gardens programs and teaches horticulture in correctional institutes.
- Multnomah County Master Gardeners have a plethora of educational resources from garden classes to plant pest and disease diagnosis.
- Oregon Food Bank offers free a beginning vegetable gardening course for low-income gardeners that teaches participants how to garden on a budget.