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Request a community garden plot

Submitting a request form adds your name to the waitlist for your selected garden(s). We assign plots each year February to June, as space is available. If there are no available plots in your preferred garden(s), your name will stay on the waitlist for the next year.

The form takes less than 5 minutes to complete.

Review the Community Garden Registration Information

Please read the Community Garden Registration and Plot Information. By requesting a plot you are confirming that you have read this information and understand the expectations.

Select your interest in one or two garden sites

You can be on a maximum of two garden waitlists at a time.

The following gardens have at least a 2-year wait: Blair, Buckman, Clinton, Colonel Summers, Everett, Grant, Ivon, Kennedy, Mt. Tabor, Rigler, Sabin, Sellwood, Sewallcrest, and Woodlawn.

Most other gardens have a wait of at least one year, please contact the Community Gardens Office for waitlist details at other locations.

Find a Community Garden near you

Fill out the Garden Plot Request Form

Please do not submit more than one Garden Plot Request form. If you have a question about or need to make an update to a previously submitted form, please contact our office at or 503-823-1612. Submitting duplicate requests may inadvertently affect your waitlist seniority.

Access the form to request a garden plot

Waitlist Information

Once the form is submitted you will be added to the waitlist. You will not receive an automatic response that your application was received. We will contact you when a space is available in the garden(s) you selected. If we are unable to offer you a plot the season the request is made, your form will automatically roll over to the next season.

Each January we contact everyone on the waitlist to confirm their continued interest in the program for the upcoming season. You must respond to the waitlist confirmation email by the given deadline to remain active on the list.

If you ask to be removed from the waitlist or do not respond when contacted for a plot offer you will be deleted from the waitlist.

If you decline a plot offer or request to defer more than twice in a single garden you will be removed from that garden’s waitlist.

Review the Community Garden Policies

Read the Community Garden Policies to understand your responsibilities.

Attend a gardener gathering and orientation

Once you are assigned a plot, we offer an orientation at each community garden site. New gardeners are encouraged to attend one of these events or send a friend or family member in their place. Gardeners will have the opportunity to meet fellow community gardeners, garden managers, and program staff. This is also a great time to share resources, ask questions, and create a sense of community within the garden. Gardeners are welcome at any location if they are unable to attend the orientation at their assigned garden.

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