Plot Registration
- People interested in joining a community garden must submit a plot request form to be added to a waitlist. Garden plots are assigned yearly between February and June as space is available.
Request a Community Garden Plot
- Only one plot may be assigned per household. A household is defined by one or more adults and any dependent children who share food and household expenses. Additional plots may be assigned to a gardener on a case-by-case basis when there are vacant plots and no waitlist.
- If a garden plot is used by an organization or group (such as a school, cultural or tribal organization) one person should act as the primary contact for the group. They will receive all of the correspondence about the plot and will be responsible for sharing information and garden policies with participants.
- All program participants agree to follow the program policies when they register for a garden plot.
Read the Garden Policies and Procedures
Gardener Roles
Primary Gardener
- Garden plots should be in the name of the primary gardener. The primary gardener should complete at least 50% of the work on the garden plot.
- If more than one person is gardening in a plot, co-gardeners should be added to the primary plot holder’s account by notifying program staff. Co-gardeners can only become the primary plot holder if they have been registered as a co-gardener longer than those on the waitlist have been waiting for a space at that site.
Refund Policy
- We will issue a full refund for cancellation and refund requests received within two weeks of payment. All fees will be retained by Portland Parks & Recreation for cancellations made after two weeks of payment.
- Refunds under $25.00 will be issued as an account credit unless otherwise requested.
- To cancel your plot and request a refund, contact the community garden office at or call 503-823-1612.
Plot Renewal, Release and Transfer
Plot renewal happens each November. All gardeners in good standing will have the opportunity to renew their reservation and keep their plot for the next year without interruption. Staff will send out information on how to renew to each gardener.
- Gardeners may request transfers to larger or smaller plots, different gardens each year. Read our transfer policy for more information.
- If you are no longer using the garden plot, contact staff to release the plot so it can be assigned to a new person from the waitlist. If you would like to transfer the plot to your co-gardener, tell staff so they can process your request. You cannot give your plot to anyone other than a registered co-gardener, as described above, or another member of your household.
- When you are done using your plot, you must remove all plants, weeds, structures, and personal items so it is in good condition for the next gardener.
Plot Sizes and Prices
All plots are offered on a sliding scale based on household size and income. Plot fees are for the garden season which runs November 1 - October 31 each year.
- ADA Accessible Raised Bed (4x8x2 sq. ft.) $2 to $20
- Starter Plot (approx. 50 sq. ft.) $2 to $20
- Single Plot (approx. 100 sq. ft.) $3.60 to $36
- Standard Plot (approx. 200 sq. ft.) $6.60 to $66
- Double Plot (approx. 400 sq. ft.) $12.40 to $124
- Quad Plot (approx. 800 sq. ft.) - $22 to $220
See Scholarship Rates and Guidelines
A starter or single-sized plot is recommended for beginning gardeners and/or families of 1-2 people. Standard-sized plots are good for families of 2-3 people, and double-sized plots are more appropriate for large families or groups and experienced gardeners. Scholarship assistance is available.