Inclement Weather Policy and Closures
Safety is our top priority. Check here for the latest information about program schedules and closures.
Inclement Weather Information and Closures
PP&R classes, activities, rentals, and sports events may be canceled due to inclement weather, such as ice, snow, or extreme heat. Call 503-823-2533 or visit for the most current information. Some recreation programs may run as conditions and staff availability allow. Safety is a major factor in determining operations at each PP&R facility. PP&R facilities, our social media outlets, and our website will all feature operating information including opening and closing times.
Portland Parks & Recreation is looking for team-oriented, enthusiastic, and qualified staff! Join our team today.
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Access Discount Program - Reduced Pricing
Thanks to the Parks Local Option Levy, Portland residents can get a discount on program and activity fees. Use the discount for community center and pool admission, preschool and after-school programs, classes, camps, swim lessons, and more.
To get a discount, first register for the Access Discount Program, select a discount amount, and then use it for select activities. No proof of income is required. Discount is valid for 12 months from registration date. Go to any community or arts center for more information about how to register.
Choose a discount: 25, 50, 75, or 90%
Learn About the Access Discount Program
Admission Fees and Pass Options
Gain access to drop-in activities during their scheduled times. Amenities include the fitness center, group exercise classes, and open gym times.
- The passes listed are valid only at Charles Jordan Community Center. Ask about pass options providing access to all PP&R community centers. The fees listed reflect pricing for City of Portland residents. Non-residents are charged more to account for City of Portland taxes that support Portland Parks & Recreation.
- Teens (age 10-20) are encouraged to sign up for a TeenForce pass, which provides access to FREE TeenForce activities at Charles Jordan, East Portland, Matt Dishman, and Mt. Scott Community Centers.
- Children age 0-2 are FREE
- Ask your insurance provider if they offer any of the following programs which cover the cost of a pass: Silver & Fit, Active & Fit, Silver Sneakers, One Pass, or Renew Active.
Drop-In Admission
- Teen (age 13-17): $4
- Adult (age 18-59): $5
- Senior (age 60+): $4
20-Visit Pass
- Teen (age 13-17): $68
- Adult (age 18-59): $89
- Senior (age 60+): $68
Month Pass
- Teen (age 13-17): $26
- Adult (age 18-59): $34
- Senior (age 60+): $26
- Senior Couple (both age 60+): $39
- Household: $56
Month Pass | You can choose to sign up for an Auto Renew Pass, which will allow you to simply pay your first monthly fee upon registering, and all future monthly payments are deducted directly from your debit or credit card (requires a valid card to remain on file). You may also choose to purchase a single month pass, which will expire 30 days from purchase (no debit or credit card necessary).
Sign Up for Activities
General Registration: Register online, over the phone through the Customer Service Center
(503-823-2525), or by calling or visiting a recreation or arts center. If cost is a barrier to participating, consider signing up for an Access Discount (more information above).
- Winter programs are in progress and open for enrollment through March 16.
- Spring programs open for registration on the following dates:
- Thursday, March 6 beginning at 9:30am. Register for classes and programs that take place March 31 - May 4.
- Thursday, April 10 beginning at 9:30am. Register for classes and programs that take place May 5 - June 8.
Project Connect: Visit the Project Connect webpage to learn more about how PP&R provides different ways to bring the community and services together.
View and sign up for activities online
Portland Parks Preschool
Now enrolling for the 2024-2025 school year. Discount options are available. View schedules and learn more about Portland Parks Preschool at
Drop-In Activities
Call 503 823 3631 if you have any questions about drop-in activities.
Drop-in group fitness classes and fitness center are also available. Indoor Park is closed for the summer and will return in the fall.
- Monday
6:30–7:30am—Adult Open Gym (age 18+) - Tuesday
6:30–7:30am—Adult Open Gym (age 18+) - Wednesday
6:30–7:30am—Adult Open Gym (age 18+) - Thursday
6:30–7:30am—Adult Open Gym (age 18+) - Friday
6:30–7:30am—Adult Open Gym (age 18+) - Saturday
12:00–1:30pm— Family Basketball
(Age 18 and under must be accompanied by an adult. Regular drop-in fees apply. No sports teams or parties permitted in the gym at this time.)
LEAP (Afterschool Program)
Learn, Explore, Achieve, Prosper
A school year program serving grades K-5 from Rosa Parks, Cesar Chavez, and Peninsula Elementary Schools. We provide transportation from school to our center.
Looking for fun? We're the place! Join us for action-packed games, homework assistance, crafts, and supervised activities to capture the interest of any child while promoting self-esteem and social skills! Sure to brighten any day! LEAP does not operate on Portland Public School non-school days. For more information, please call 503-823-3631.
- To secure a space in our program, a $40 non-refundable deposit is required at the time of registration. If this is a barrier to participation, the deposit can be collected at a later date upon request.
For further information of the Non-Discrimination statement, please visit the USDA Civil Rights webpage
TeenForce Drop-in Activities
FREE TeenForce Pass and activity sign-in is required (age 10–20). TeenForce waiver and orientation are required for use of Fitness Center.
- Monday through Friday
3:00–6:45pm —TeenForce Fitness Center
3:00 –6:45pm —TeenForce Game Room
- Monday
3:00–6:00pm —TeenForce Open Gym
3:30-7:30pm- Teen Force Game Room
4:00–5:00pm—Girls Group
5:00–6:00pm–TeenForce Nail Art
5:30–7:30pm—TeenForce Volleyball
3:30–7:30pm—TeenForce Open Gym
3:30-7:15pm—Teen Force Game Room3:30-5:30pm—Teen Force Soccer
3:30-5:30pm—Teen Force Pickle Ball- Wednesday
3:30–7:30pm— TeenForce Open Gym
3:30-7:15pm- Teen Force Game Room - Thursday
3:00–4:30pm —TeenForce Open Gym
3:30-7:30pm- Teen Force Game Room
- Friday
3:30–6:00—TeenForce Open Gym
4:45–6:00pm —High School Teen Night
Teen Nights for grades 6th-12th is offered every Friday 6:30-9:30pm
Charles Jordan Community Center’s fitness program offers a wide range of amenities and classes for all levels. Fitness Center is closed from 1:30pm-2:30pm Monday through Friday for deep cleaning and sanitizing.
- Age 14 and older
- Access is included with daily admission.
- Open for drop-in during regular business hours.
- Teens age 14-17 must have a guardian release form on file and complete an orientation prior to access.
- Selectorized Strength Equipment
- Treadmills
- Recumbent Bikes
- Stair Climbers
- Upright Bike
- Elliptical Cross Trainers
- Free weight and stretching area
Group Fitness Classes
Strengthen your community, body, and mind with a group fitness class! For people age 14 and older at any fitness level. Access is included with daily admission. All schedules are subject to change.
- Monday
8:45–9:45am— Gentle Hatha Yoga, Raymi
10:00–10:50am—Be Fit, Maria
11:00–11:50am—Better Balance & Strength, Maria
12:00–12:50pm Zumba Gold, Diane
6:30–7:20pm—Hatha Yoga, Karen - Tuesday
6:30–8:30am—Circuit Training, Sammi
8:45–9:35am—Yoga all levels, Cymbrie
10:00–10:50am—Gyrokenisis , Marina
11:30am–12:20pm—Be Fit, Maria
2:00–2:50pm—Tai Chi for Balance, Terry
5:00–5:50pm—The Ellové Technique®, Kelly
6:00–6:50pm—Cardio, Strength, and Stretch, Georgann
7:00–7:55pm—Gyrokenisis , Marina - Wednesday
8:45–9:45am— Gentle Hatha Yoga, Raymi
11:00–11:50am—Fitness and Fun from your Chair, Kathryn
6:30–7:20pm—Total Body Workout, Charissa - Thursday
6:30–8:30am—Circuit Training, Sammi
9:00–9:50am—Be Fit, Maria
10:15–11:05am—Gentle Yoga, Karen
11:15–12:05am—Yoga in Chairs, Karen
2:00–2:50pm—Tai Chi for Balance, Terry
6:00–6:55pm—Cardio, Strength, and Stretch, Georgann
7:00-7:55pm- Zumba, Paula - Friday, November 29
10:05–10:50am—Zumba® Gold Toning, Michelle - Friday
8:50–9:45am—Gyrokenisis, Marina
10:00–10:50am—Zumba® Gold Toning, Michelle - Saturday
9:45–10:35am—Total Body Workout, Charissa
10:45–11:35am—Active Hatha Yoga (varied levels), Karen
1:45-2:45pm—Line Dance Fitness (2nd and 4th Saturdays of the month)
Group Fitness Class Descriptions
Boxing Strength: Exercise & condition using footwork skills, body movements, & strength & boxing equipment. Great cardio & strength building class.
Cardio, Strength, and Stretch
Combines all your favorite aspects of fitness and puts them into one solid workout! Combine 15 minutes of cardio, 15 minutes of strength, and 15 minutes of flexibility! Light to moderate class that works on slowly improving overall cardio, endurance, muscle tone, and flexibility.
Gyrokinesis (floor method): The Gyrokinesis Method is a movement method that addresses the entire body, opening energy pathways, stimulating the nervous system, increasing range of motion & creating functional strength through rhythmic, flowing movement sequences. Movements for this class emphasize circular & wavelike motions done from the floor. This class is more intense than the chair method.
Low Impact
A variety of cardio activities to improve your cardiovascular endurance. This class is designed to be lower impact, but still effective!
Total Body
A high-intensity interval class to help burn calories quickly and build muscle. It combines conditioning drills, and strength training intervals resulting in body strengthening and improved flexibility.
Zumba® Gold
Recreates the original moves you love at a lower-intensity, easy-to-follow Zumba™ choreography that focuses on balance, range of motion, and coordination. Come ready to sweat and prepare to leave empowered and feeling strong. The class focuses on all elements of fitness: cardiovascular, muscular conditioning, flexibility, and balance!
A total workout, combining all elements of fitness – cardio, muscle conditioning, balance, and flexibility, boosted energy, and a serious dose of awesome each time you leave class. Everybody and everybody! Each Zumb® class is designed to bring people together to sweat it on. Mixing low-intensity and high-intensity moves for an interval-style, calorie-burning dance fitness party. Once the Latin and World rhythms take over, you'll see why Zumba® Fitness classes are often called exercise in disguise.
Channel your inner rockstar with this full-body cardio-jam session inspired by the infectious, energizing, and sweat-dripping fun of playing the drums.
The Ellové Technique®
A non-impact conditioning class taught by certified instructors. The pure techniques of ballet, yoga, fitness, and Pilates are set to music in a seamless movement sequence that improves alignment, balance, strength, flexibility, and body awareness.
Balance, Body & Strength: Increase balance, flexibility, joint stability, strength & cardiovascular endurance. Exercises incorporate standing movement & chair exercises.
Be Fit: Functional fitness uses real life movements like lifting, bending & reaching to improve physical condition & ease of movement. Daily exercise helps prevent many chronic diseases & us an important part of weight control.
Exercise for Every “Body”: A workout for all shapes and sizes. Class provides conditioning in areas of strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, joint stability, agility, and cardiovascular endurance by using weights, bars, bands & balls.
Fitness & Fun From Your Chair: A fun gentle class incorporating all the elements of basic fitness done from a chair. Participants will use exercise bands, balls, small weights and bars to increase balance, strength, agility, flexibility and cardiovascular endurance.
Low Impact: A variety of cardio activities to improve your cardiovascular endurance. This class is designed to be lower impact, but still effective!
MIND/BODY - all levels
Active Hatha Yoga: This class combines the longer held poses of Hatha Yoga & a slightly faster pace & challenging pose options of Vinyasa Flow. Options will be given for different levels of experience & effort. Beginners are welcome - you are encouraged to attend a Hatha or Gentle class first. Please let the instructor know if you are new to the practice of yoga.
Active Hatha Yoga: This class combines the longer held poses of Hatha Yoga & a slightly faster pace & challenging pose options of Vinyasa Flow. Options will be given for different levels of experience & effort. Beginners are welcome - you are encouraged to attend a Hatha or Gentle class first. Please let the instructor know if you are new to the practice of yoga.
Gentle Yoga
Originating in India, this centuries-old practice of exercise revitalizes both mind & body. Improve focus and release stress and tension while increasing strength, flexibility, balance, energy, and overall well-being. This class features slow, flowing, mindful movement, linked to breath.
Hatha Yoga
Join in this all-level class that incorporates favorite Hatha yoga positions with just the right amount of deepening into those poses, stretching, and some light flow movement–all with a goal of strengthening our individual yoga practices little by little. A judgment-free, stress-free, and fun class. Newbies are welcome!
Tai Chi
A slow, gentle exercise practicing body awareness and intentional movement. Classes include exercises to strengthen core and legs, and to improve flexibility and balance.
Originating in India, the centuries old practice of yoga can revitalize mind & body. Yoga can improve focus & release stress & tension while increasing strength, flexibility, balance, energy & overall well-being.
This center was built in the early 1940s as part of an enormous federal housing project for ship workers mobilized for the World War II effort. At the time of its construction, it included recreational facilities as well as a restaurant, a fire department with three engines, and administrative offices for the housing project. The center was acquired by PP&R in 1953. With funding from the 1994 bond measure, a major renovation resulted in the expansion of the east and west wings. A portion of the 2002 parks levy was used to build a new active recreation wing in 2007, nearly doubling the center's size with PP&R’s largest gymnasium, a fitness room, a youth game room, dance studio, and computer lab.
A wind-driven kinetic sculpture by Jerry Mayer was installed in front of the center on August 31, 1999. Mayer worked closely with the North Portland community to develop Whirlymajig, an altered water pump windmill with a 5-ft diameter fan wheel atop a 30-ft steel flag pole. Driven by the wind through a system of gears, driveshafts, axles, and drive chains, the sculpture's tail section consists of variously moving aluminum cutouts of arms and legs performing physically and mentally challenging tasks.
As part of the center's extensive 2007 renovation, a wall sculpture by Laura Bender and John Early was installed in the lobby. From Here to There is a metaphor for the venture of exploration, a story about movement, coordination, and change that references things historical, nautical, and navigational. Movement refers to people relocating here, ships sailing rivers and seas, driftwood swept up on the shores of the Columbia River, and people meeting and forming relationships as they dance, exercise, and move around one another.
In 2012, the center was renamed in honor of Charles Jordan, Portland’s first African-American City Commissioner and Portland Parks & Recreation Director. He was the force behind Portland landmarks such as Pioneer Courthouse Square, the Interstate Firehouse Cultural Center, Delta Park, and Southwest Community Center. On the national stage, Charles Jordan broadened the agenda of the environmental movement and land conservation to make it more inclusive. He is known for his groundbreaking approach to putting people - particularly people of color - at the heart of the American Conservation Movement.