Election results

Follow along as Multnomah County shares unofficial election results at MultnomahVotes.gov

Veterans Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day.

Community Music Workshop

Community Event
Amateur performers of acoustic Baroque, Classical and modern music get an opportunity to play for a small and supportive audience and provide a free concert to people in the community.
12:00 pm 1:00 pm

Meets the 2nd Monday of each month at noon through June 2023. Admission is suggested donation of $5 to the Music Workshop, care of David Studhalter.  This is a 3rd party event. For more information, contact: ds@gyromantic.com or call 971-328-1750.


Community Music Center

Community And Arts Center
Park Location or Entrance
3350 SE Francis Street
Portland, OR 97202
