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About Portland Parks & Recreation

A photo of smiling Parks & Recreation staff at an all staff celebration.
Who we are, and what we do at Portland Parks & Recreation.
On this page


Portland Parks & Recreation's mission is to provide equitable access to welcoming places, programs, and services that improve community health and our environment.


We envision a parks and recreation system that is responsive to diverse and changing community needs, nurturing health and connection for all.

Together, we work toward equitable outcomes in:

  • Accessible, safe, clean, well-maintained public spaces
  • Healthy ecosystems and climate change resilience
  • Learning, play, and discovery
  • Mental, emotional, and physical wellness
  • Community and civic connection
  • Jobs that support growth and belonging


Equity and Anti-Racism

We work to acknowledge and abolish the harms of racism and oppression in the parks and recreation system.


As caretakers of millions of trees and over 15% of the land called Portland, we protect and nurture healthy ecosystems for generations. We ensure spaces and services are resilient and responsive to a changing world.

Safety and Belonging

We strive to make spaces safe, accessible, and welcoming for all people.


We listen to community priorities and communicate transparently. We set clear goals and take responsibility for our actions and results.


The parks and recreation system connects people to places and each other. We build collaborative partnerships that energize our public spaces.

Equity and Anti-Racism Commitment

Our Commitment

We work to acknowledge and abolish the harms of racism and oppression in the parks and recreation system.


We take accountability for our history of racism and unequal treatment of people — both community members and employees.


By centering the people most impacted by inequities, we build towards a more just and hopeful future for Portland.

We look at who benefits from the parks and recreation system today and prioritize addressing gaps experienced by Black people, Indigenous people, people of color, immigrants and refugees, LGBT2SQIA+ people, people with disabilities, youth, older adults, and people living with low income.


Our community deserves a clear commitment to action and accountability for results. We will:

  • Elevate the voices of communities and team members who have been most impacted by inequities
  • Nurture a culture of belonging as we work together to eliminate the barriers and harm that we have caused
  • Develop accessible, equitable, and inclusive policies, programs, and services
  • Expand the diversity of our workforce
  • Support and encourage individual learning, mutual respect, empathy, and care of ourselves and each other

Director Adena Long

PP&R Director Adena Long
PP&R Director Adena Long

Adena Long was appointed director of Portland Parks & Recreation in February 2019. She brings to this role over 25 years of experience in the parks and recreation industry and in management. A native of New York, Director Long started her career at the New York City Department of Parks and Recreation as a seasonal Urban Park Ranger in 1997. Part of her role was to educate park visitors on some of the most-visited city parks in the country. That experience sparked a full-time career in parks and recreation. 

"Starting out as a Park Ranger was really good grounding for my career in parks. It provided me with the insight and empathy to effectively make decisions that affect our frontline field staff," she says. 

Director Long steadily moved up the ranks of the parks and recreation industry. In 2010, she became the first woman of color and youngest person ever to serve as Parks Borough Commissioner. During her tenure at the department, Director Long also served in the citywide capacity of Assistant Commissioner and Deputy Commissioner. 

"It was indeed an honor and a privilege to serve in those roles, and I carry a lot of what I learned with me to my position as Director of Portland Parks & Recreation," she says. 

Visit the PP&R Director Page

Meet Director Adena Long |

Contact the Director

Director's Calendars

Reproductions of the daily work calendar for the director of Portland Parks & Recreation. The current calendar is updated quarterly. 

Meaningful Access Statement

It is the policy of the City of Portland that no person shall be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination in any city program, service, or activity on the grounds of race, color, national origin, disability, or other protected class status. Adhering to Civil Rights Title VI and ADA Title II civil rights laws, the City of Portland ensures meaningful access to City programs, services, and activities by reasonably providing: translation and interpretation, modifications, accommodations, alternative formats, and auxiliary aids and services. To request these services, contact 503-823-2525, or for Relay Service or TTY, contact 711. 

Translation and Interpretation

Request an Accommodation

PP&R By the Numbers

To learn about the facts and figures that make up Portland's parks and recreation system, visit our Park System by the Numbers page. Examples of information you will find on that page include how many parks we operate, how many acres we manage, how many people work at PP&R, and much more. 

Vibrant Communities Service Area

Portland Parks & Recreation is aligned with the City’s Vibrant Communities service area, contributing to efforts that enhance community well-being. See how the service area is making an impact by visiting the Vibrant Communities Performance Indicators page. 

Contact us

General Inquiries

Customer Service Center
1120 SW Fifth Avenue, First Floor
Portland, Oregon 97204
Get Directions   |   Plan your trip with TriMet

Portland Park Rangers

Media Relations Questions and Inquiries
503-823-5300 (office) 
503-823-6634 (mobile) 

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