Portland Measure 26-228: Educational Information

Portland Proposed Measure 26-228

Dear Community Members,

This November, Portland voters will have the opportunity to vote on a proposed ballot measure regarding the structure of city government and process for electing city officials.

Now that Measure 26-228 is on the ballot, the City is committed to providing only neutral and factual information about the measure. Please go to the Charter Commission website for multilingual educational information including a fact sheet, frequently asked questions, an educational presentation and other materials that have been approved by the Oregon Secretary of State. You can distribute any of these materials to community members.

Election Day is Tuesday, November 8. Ballots may be mailed back on or before Election Day or returned to an Official Ballot Drop Site by 8 p.m. on Election Day. Multnomah County Official Ballot Drop Box Sites are listed at multco.us/dropsites.


Sofía Álvarez-Castro

Charter Commission Engagement & Communications Coordinator