The CAC Committee is comprised of one representative from each CAC participating agency and is staffed by the Clean Air Construction Regional Program Coordinator. The following individuals currently serve on the CAC Committee.
- City of Portland: Cary Watters
- Metro: Jenna Garmon
- Washington County: Suzi Fulcher
- Multnomah County: John Wasiutynski
- Port of Portland: Matthieu Miller
- TriMet: Les Spitler
- Portland Community College: John MacLean
- Staff:Nicole Forbes, Clean Air Construction Regional Program Coordinator
The CAC Committee is responsible for:
- Providing collective guidance to the CAC Regional Program Coordinator regarding program activities.
- Deciding on any key program elements (new or updating existing) that affect the program at a regional level (e.g. not just one agency), such as, but not limited to: CAC requirements, compliance expectations, registration fees, overarching program communications, and compliance system design and protocols.
- Decision making affecting components of the Clean Air Construction Intergovernmental Agreement.
CAC Committee is considered a governing body and thus subject to public meetings and public records requirements. Currently, the CAC Committee meets monthly (not including holidays) via an online meeting platform.
To view meeting details, view Upcoming Events on the CAC Committee webpage. You can also access meeting minutes and other information related to past CAC Committee meetings by clicking on the Events tab and then clicking on the Past Events tab.