Presidents Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, to observe Presidents Day.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Local Disability Organizations and Resources

Photo of a young boy wearing a hearing aid and reading from his computer tablet.
Find local disability organizations and disability community resources for housing, transportation, business, recreation, and more.
On this page

Need resources or support but aren't sure where to start? 2-1-1 and the Aging and Disability Resource Connection keep up-to-date information on local community resources. If you're looking for a disability organization or resource for a specific situation or topic, keep reading!

Disability Community OrganizationsAre they still open after pandemic? Email Phone Website 
Aging and Disability Resource Connectionyes adrc@multco.us503-988-3646https://www.multco.us/ads
AYCO Health and Disability Programthe page was not found.   
Club Everyone, Me and U (Club EMU)yes info@clubemu.org https://clubemu.org/
Disability Arts & Culture ProjectThis site can’t be reached - DACP closed on December 31, 2022disabilityartculture@gmail.com 503-358-9085
Disability Rights Oregonyeswelcome@droregon.org(503) 243-2081https://www.droregon.org/
FACT Oregon (Families)yessupport@factoregon.org503-786-6082 or 541-695-5416https://factoregon.org/
INCIGHTyesEducation: piag@incight.org / Employment: gracec@incight.org971-244-0305https://www.incight.org/
Independent Living Resourcesyesinfo@ilr.org503-232-7411https://www.ilr.org/
Multnomah County Aging & Disability Servicesyesadrc@multco.us503-988-3646
Project DART PDXyeshttps://projectdartpdx.org/cont…
Real Choice Initiativeyesallen@realchoiceoregon.com 
Autism Society of Oregonyesinfo@AutismSocietyOregon.org / Tobi@AutismSocietyOregon.org / LoriB@AutismSocietyOregon.org1-888-Autism-1 (1-888-288-4761https://autismsocietyoregon.org…;
Brain Injury Alliance of Oregonyesbiaor@biaoregon.org800-544-5243 | 503-961-5675https://www.biaoregon.org/
Cascade AIDS Projectyes info@capnw.org503.223.5907https://www.capnw.org/
CymaSpace DHH Access Servicesnot sure  info@cymaspace.org(971) 319-4954https://www.cymaspace.org/
Easterseals Oregonyes 503-228-5108https://www.easterseals.com/ore…
Hearing Loss Association of Oregonapparently yesinfo@hearinglossOR.orghttps://www.hlaa-or.org/
Learning Disability Association (LDA) of OregonLDA of America does not currently have an active state affiliate in Oregon
Multnomah County Intellectual & Developmental Disabilities Servicesyesadrc@multco.us https://www.multco.us/dd
Multnomah County Mental Health Servicesyesadrc@multco.us https://www.multco.us/behaviora…
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Multnomahyes info@namimultnomah.org503-228-5692https://www.namimultnomah.org/
National Federation of the Blind, Oregon Chapterapparently yespresident@nfb-oregon.org541.653.9153https://www.nfb-oregon.org/
Northwest Down Syndrome Associationyes  -https://www.nwdsa.org/
Oregon Association of the Deafyespresident@oad1921.org / secretary@oad1921.org / https://www.oad1921.org/contactshttps://www.oad1921.org/   &  https://www.facebook.com/OAD192…;
Oregon Commission for the Blindyesocb.mail@ocb.oregon.gov (971) 673-1588https://www.oregon.gov/BLIND/Pa…
Oregon Mental Health Consumers Associationnot sure lonefir@gmail.com -http://omhca.org/
Oregon Self Advocacy Coalitionyesgabrielle.guedon@askosac.org (503) 308-1310https://www.askosac.org/
Oregon Spinal Cord Injury Connectionyescontact@oregonsci.org81-1037564https://www.oregonsci.org/
United Cerebral Palsy of Oregonyesucp@ucporegon.org503-777-4166https://www.ucpaorwa.org/

Disability Community Organizations

Disability-Specific Organizations

Independent Living


Home Modification and Repair


Public Transportation and Transportation Services

In the event of local or regional weather emergencies or natural disasters, 2-1-1 and the Aging and Disability Resource Connection will have the most up to date information on transportation to shelters or safe locations. 


Pedestrian resources 

Business & Employment

Recreation and Fun

Service Animals

Disaster Preparedness

Statistical Data

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