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2016 - 2021 Bureau Racial Equity Plans

All City of Portland Bureaus released Five-year Racial Equity Plans in 2016. The detailed plans address specific racial inequities and bring to life the City’s Racial Equity Goals and Strategies which were adopted as binding City policy by City Council in 2015.
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A. Why did we make these plans?

Racial inequities in housing, employment, education, criminal justice, and public health have always existed in Portland. History shows some of these inequities are a result of public policy and are maintained by existing government structures. In 2012, the City Council, assisted by the community, created the Office of Equity and Human Rights (Office of Equity) to focus specifically on race and disability. The Office of Equity’s mission:

Provides education and technical support to City staff and elected officials, leading to recognition and removal of systemic barriers to fair and just distribution of resources, access and opportunity, starting with issues of race and disability.

The Racial Equity Plans for all 26 City bureaus were developed over a 2-year process and coordinated by the Office of Equity. These are five-year plans meant to guide bureaus during this period of institutional change. They serve to operationalize the City-wide Racial Equity Goals and Strategies unanimously adopted by City Council in 2015 as binding City policy. 

B. How were these created?

Each bureau formed diverse teams of staff to shepherd the bureau through a two-phase process. First, the bureaus conducted research to assess their current culture, structures, and practices, using an organizational assessment tool created by a dedicated team of City staff from across bureaus. Bureaus conducted staff surveys and focus groups to collect data that would inform the development of the plans.

Second, bureaus received a series of trainings and underwent a planning process. Informed by the trainings and additional research on best practices, bureaus crafted actions and associated performance measures for their plans. Bureaus were also encouraged to research existing proposals from communities of color for government action to include in their plans. Bureaus had flexibility to design their process and modify the tools to fit their needs.  This is why not all plans were completed at the same time and do not use the exact same format.

C. How was the community involved?

Communities of color most impacted by racial inequities established the framework for these plans through an assessment tool developed by the All Hands Raised project. The City’s assessment tool used many of the same questions and all of the same categories: organizational commitment; workforce; leadership and management; contracting; community access and partnership; and use of data and quality improvement practices. These categories also drove the plans’ development.

The assessment and planning processes were conducted by City staff in order to get the City’s “house in order.” Some bureaus engaged their Bureau Advisory Committees (BAC) during the planning process. The City welcomes community engagement during the subsequent work to annually report on and update plans.

D. What was the review process? 

The Office of Equity provided training, technical assistance, tools, and resources for bureaus to complete the plans.  None of the plans’ details were mandated. Bureaus had autonomy to focus their work.  However, the Office of Equity did hold bureaus accountable to working toward achieving the Citywide Racial Equity Goals and Strategies, quantifiably measuring their progress, and committing staff to a timeline for action. OEHR reviewed draft plans with these criteria in mind as well as whether best practices were included. The Office of Equity then made recommendations to the bureaus to strengthen their drafts.  Commissioners were briefed and bureau Directors signed off on all plans before release.

BACs were engaged more during the process to review draft plans but this varied by bureau. Bureaus with a strong public constituency are encouraged to release their draft plans with an invitation for public comment before the plan is finalized. The Office of Equity is also hosting a community forum on the City’s racial equity work including the plans.

E. What is the reporting process?
How do you know if the plans are working?

The Office of Equity and Human Rights is tasked with tracking and reporting to Council on the progress of the plans to achieve specific outcomes. They will compile the reports received from bureaus and present a summary to Council on an annual basis, including the Office of Equity’s analysis and suggestions, if any. Bureaus are encouraged to also report on progress annually to City Council and the public.

All plans include mechanisms for accountability.  Performance measures for each action are included. Measures often track how much was done and how well was it done.  The responsible staff or positions are identified as well as the tool they will use to communicate the results of each action.

F. How often will these change?
How can community influence change?

Plans are designed to be living documents that should evolve over time as challenges are identified and successes are built upon. The plans are outcome driven and bureaus are expected to report not just on actions, but also on the outcomes of those actions. If an action is not producing the desired outcome, bureaus can re-evaluate and adjust their efforts.

Bureaus’ annual updates will provide an opportunity to propose changes to their plans. OEHR will review this proposed changes during the annual update process and make recommendations. Bureaus are encouraged to engage the communities most impacted by the actions and any changes to them.

G. How will the Plans be implemented?

The Plans are not the change we seek. They do not even guarantee change. The City has a history of unfulfilled promises to communities of color, however, the Plans are a new public and measurable commitment to institutional change to achieve equitable outcomes. These commitments allow for the community, elected official, and staff to hold the bureaus accountable.

Implementation will require bureau resources: time, money, skills, and effort. Bureaus are proposing to change their policies, the way they do business, their habits, and cultures that exist within the organization. These commitments will be built into bureau work plans and budgets. Each bureau has a body that is stewarding its plan. In most cases the Bureau Equity Committee serves this function.  

H. Racial Equity Plans By Bureau

(1) Auditor's Office

(2) Bureau of Development Services (BDS)

(3) Bureau of Environmental Services (BES)

(4) Bureau of Human Resources (BHR)

(5) Bureau of Internal Business Services (BIBS)

(6) Bureau of Planning & Sustainability (BPS)

(7) Bureau of Revenue and Financial Service (BRFS)

(8) Bureau of Technology Services (BTS)

(9) City Budget Office (CBO)

(10) Office of the City Attorney 

(11) Fire & Police Disability & Retirement (FPDR)

(12) Office of Government Relations (OGR)

(13) Office of Management and Finance (OMF)

(14) Portland Bureau of Emergency Management (PBEM)

(15) Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT)

(16) Portland Housing Bureau (PHB)

(17) Portland Police Bureau (PPB)

(18) Portland Parks and Recreation (PPR)

(19) Portland Water Bureau (PWB)

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