Services and Resources for Novel Coronavirus COVID-19

The Portland Emergency Coordination Center’s (ECC) Situation Status reports compile information and status updates about Portland’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The ECC is moving towards demobilization and partial activation. The last ECC Situation Status report was sent out on June 3, 2021.
The City of Portland has placed hygiene stations throughout the community—portable toilets and handwashing stations—so that everyone has access to this critical health tool.
Portland Parks & Recreation and the Homelessness and Urban Camping Impact Reduction Program (HUCIRP) have partnered together to keep 54 parks restrooms open to the public during this emergency. We expect these restrooms to be accessible at all hours of the day.
The following resources and information related to illness in the workplace are provided to guide the City of Portland’s internal COVID-19 response.
Information on mortgage relief for federal and private mortgage holders. Many links are provided to help you find the right resources. This is a good place to start.
Many banks are taking steps to accommodate affected customers through hardship programs, small business support, extended banker availability hours and other measures to address individual circumstances. View Frequently Asked Questions on this page.
Guide for Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) outdoor dining permits. Businesses are required to have an outdoor dining permit to have food or beverage service in the public right-of-way. Permits will be under the new Outdoor Dining program, previously called “Healthy Businesses”.
The City of Portland and Multnomah County Health Department developed this video to make sure that all our community members get important messages about how to stay safe, slow the spread of the virus and get updated information. The audio files have been translated into more than 30 languages.
Cum va funcționa inițiativa PBOT Străzi lente | Străzi sigure? Citiți întrebările noastre frecvente și instrucțiunile noastre pentru folosirea zonelor Neighborhood Greenways din Portland în timpul crizei de sănătate publică Covid-19.
Information on landlord-tenant policy changes for Oregon, Multnomah County, and City of Portland.
Multilingual resources for staying informed about COVID-19.
Moratorium on residential evictions in Multnomah County and City of Portland on the basis of nonpayment of rent or terminations without tenant cause in addition to the statewide eviction moratorium. View Frequently Asked Questions on this page.
Many COVID-related protections have expired. This FAQ provides historical reference of COVID-19 policy responses.
The Pandemic Mobility Support Program was created in an effort to support people in Portland who need to make critical trips during the COVID-19 Pandemic.
PBOT’s Equity & Inclusion program has been working with various PBOT teams to identify partnership opportunities to engage and support community groups on transportation issues specific to the Covid-19 public health pandemic.
Companies may sign up with the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) to provide additional resources for permit holders with the Healthy Businesses program—construction materials, design, installation, maintenance, labor, or discounts. Partnerships can be limited to support communities of color.
Sidee ayuu Ambaqaadka PBOT ee Waddooyinka Taraafikada Yar | Waddooyinka Ammaanka Ah u shaqeeyaa? Ka akhri su’aalahayaga aalaba la isweydiiyo iyo tilmaameyaashayada sida loo isticmaalo Neighborhood Greenways ee Portland inta lagu jiro dhibaatooyinka caafimaadka dadweynaha ee cudurka COVID-19.
PBOT is helping create more room in crowded areas where people, especially pedestrians, might find it harder to keep six feet apart, such as on narrow sidewalks, at crowded bus stops, or at busy intersections where people wait to cross. PBOT will use physical barriers, paint, and other markings.