
Displaying 1 - 10 of 10

Portland nonprofits respond to PCEF’s second request for proposals for community climate projects

The Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund received more than 160 applications from community groups to invest in climate action that advances racial and social justice.

News article

PCEF addresses effects of extreme heat on vulnerable communities with new grant opportunity

New Heat Response Program offers nonprofits serving low-income and BIPOC communities a chance to distribute and install portable heat pump/cooling units for vulnerable households.

News article

Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund issues $60 million request for proposals

After start-up funding round, a second round of PCEF funding scales up the program and targets $60 million for projects tackling climate change, while advancing racial and social justice.

Updated Press release

PCEF Draft RFP #2 is available for public comment through September 3

The Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund (PCEF) Committee and staff are seeking input and comment on the draft application, scoring criteria and funding allocations for PCEF’s second request for proposals.

News article

Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund (PCEF) announces new quarterly funding opportunity: Mini Grants 

PCEF announces new Mini Grants funding opportunity open year-round. Nonprofit organizations can apply for up to $5,000 in funding for activities that align with PCEF goals of tackling climate change and advancing racial and social justice.

Press release

Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund(PCEF,波特兰清洁能源社区福利基金)宣布推出新的季度资助方案: 小额资助计划 

PCEF 小额资助计划按季度提供资助,为符合 PCEF 应对气候变化与促进种族平等和社会公正目标的活动提供高达 5,000 美元的资助。 详细了解该计划以及如何申请。 详细了解 PCEF 小额资助计划 。

Press release

Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund (PCEF, Quỹ Phúc lợi Cộng đồng về Năng lượng Sạch Portland) thông báo cơ hội nhận tài trợ hàng quý mới: Các Khoản Tài trợ Nhỏ

PCEF announces new Mini Grants funding opportunity open year-round. Nonprofit organizations can apply for up to $5,000 in funding for activities that align with PCEF goals of tackling climate change and advancing racial and social justice.

Press release

El Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund (PCEF) anunció una nueva oportunidad de financiamiento trimestral: Pequeñas subvenciones 

A través del programa de pequeñas subvenciones del PCEF, las organizaciones pueden solicitar un monto de hasta $5,000 para actividades que sean acordes con los objetivos del PCEF de hacer frente al cambio climático y de promover la justicia racial y social.

Press release

Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund (PCEF) awards 45 grants totaling $8.6 million in the program’s first round of funding

Portland City Council votes to approve PCEF's inaugural funding recommendation package, awarding its first $8.6 million to fund 45 grants in the clean energy, regenerative agriculture/green infrastructure, workforce development fields.

Press release

The Portland Clean Energy Community Benefits Fund team is growing

PCEF team adds new members to implement historic community-led climate initiative.

News article