The neighborhood, platted in 1889, is named after Sir Walter Scott's 1821 novel Kenilworth, a romantic novel set in Elizabethan England. Many of the streets in this close-in neighborhood took their names from this novel and other novels by Scott.
Portland Samba Weekly Meeting
Drumming classes every Saturday. Note: contact Portland Samba before coming to CMC.
Upcoming Events
Creston-Kenilworth Neighborhood Association Board Meeting
Creston-Kenilworth Neighborhood Association holds Board meetings on the 4th Monday of the Month. No meeting in December.
Everyone Sings Chorus
Singing Songs and Styles from Around The World
Community Music Workshop
Amateur performers of acoustic Baroque, Classical and modern music get an opportunity to play for a small and supportive audience and provide a free concert to people in the community.
Neighborhood Association Information
Bylaws: Creston Kenilworth NA Bylaws
Neighborhood District Office: District 3 Office: Southeast Uplift
Meeting | Time and Location |
General Meetings | The Creston-Kenilworth Neighborhood Association Annual Meeting with elections is held in May. Check the website for details. |
Board Meetings | Creston-Kenilworth Neighborhood Association holds Board meetings on the 4th Monday of the month, 7:30 - 8:30 pm. Meetings are open to the public. Everyone is welcome. Meetings are virtual. Use this link to connect: |
Submit a request to add a neighborhood association meeting to the city events calendar.
Creston-Kenilworth Neighborhood Association, c/o SE Uplift
3534 SE Main St
Portland, OR97214
United States
Neighborhood Association Leadership Contacts
Position and Name | Contact Information |
Chair / Co-Chair / President Elizabeth Durham McPherson (they/them/theirs) | |
Secretary Krystin Railing | |
Treasurer Open | |
Land Use Committee Chair Jonathan Herrmann | |
General Correspondence Contact Creston-Kenilworth NA General Correspondence | |
Submit a request to update the leadership position contact information.
Learn how to search neighborhood association leadership contacts.
Construction and Maintenance
News and Notices
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