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The Kerns neighborhood is located in Central/Southeast Portland, just on the East side of the Willamette River, North of Burnside Street. It is bordered by the Buckman, Lloyd, Sullivan’s Gulch, Laurelhurst and Sunnyside neighborhoods.

Upcoming Events

Kerns Neighborhood Association Meeting

Kerns Neighborhood Association meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 6:30 - 8:00 pm. The May meeting is the Annual Meeting with elections. No meetings in August and December.
Location: Pacific Crest School, 116 NE 29th Ave

6:30 pm 8:00 pm
Neighborhood Association Meeting

Kerns Neighborhood Association Meeting

Kerns Neighborhood Association meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 6:30 - 8:00 pm. The May meeting is the Annual Meeting with elections. No meetings in August and December.
Location: Pacific Crest School, 116 NE 29th Ave

6:30 pm 8:00 pm
Neighborhood Association Meeting

Dumpster Day 2025: Sunnyside, Kerns, Buckman

The Bureau of Planning and Sustainability is hosting neighborhood events around the city where people who live in the area can get rid of large, bulky trash items.

9:00 am 1:00 pm
Community Event
A cartoon image of a garbage dumpster is shown with a mattress sticking out of it.

Neighborhood Association Information


Bylaws: Kerns NA Bylaws

Neighborhood District Office: District 3 Office: Southeast Uplift

Meeting Time and Location
General Meetings Kerns Neighborhood Association meets on the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 6:30 - 8:00 pm. The May meeting is the Annual Meeting with elections. No meetings in August and December.
Location: Pacific Crest School, 116 NE 29th Ave

Kerns Neighborhood Association, c/o SE Uplift
3534 SE Main St
Portland, OR97214
United States

Neighborhood Association Leadership Contacts

Position and Name Contact Information
Chair / Co-Chair / President
Jay Harris

Dave Weaver, SE Uplift Liaison
Daniel DeMelo
Jay Harris
Land Use Committee Chair
Jay Harris

Rebecca Boenke, Communications Chair
General Correspondence Contact
Kerns NA General Correspondence

Construction and Maintenance

Summer 2023
Construction is ongoing and is anticipated to be complete in early 2026.
Construction is currently expected to begin November 2025 and take up to two years to complete.
Construction is anticipated to begin in April of 2025 and take up to a year to complete.
Investigations of current conditions and planning for potential sewer and stormwater repairs and improvements began in the summer of 2023 and will continue through mid-2026.

News and Notices

Notice of Land Use Decision LU 25-002832 HR

Historic Resource Review
2325 NE Flanders St

Public notice

Liquor License Applications

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