Neighborhood District Offices

City of Portland's Neighborhood Outreach & Support program serves District 1 through a grant agreement with the nonprofit Central Northeast Neighbors (CNN).

City of Portland's Neighborhood Outreach & Support program serves District 2 through a grant agreement with the nonprofit Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods (NECN)

Roseway (District 3) and Sunderland (District 1) neighborhood boundaries cross into District 2, with a majority of their residents located outside of District 2.

City of Portland's Neighborhood Outreach & Support program serves District 3 through a grant agreement with the nonprofit Southeast Uplift (SEUL).

Ardenwald-Johnson Creek (District 4) and Beaumont-Wilshire (District 2) neighborhood boundaries cross into District 3, with a majority of their residents located outside of District 3.

City of Portland's Neighborhood Outreach & Support program serves District 4 through a grant agreement with the nonprofit District Four Coalition.

Brooklyn (District 3) and Woodstock (District 3) neighborhood boundaries cross into District 4, with a majority of their residents located outside of District 4.

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