Lobbyist and political consultant resources

White icon on pink background. Open book.
This page contains information on the City of Portland’s disclosure-based regulations of lobbyists, City officials, and political consultants. Below is a list of resources accessible from this page, including submitted reports and filing portals.
On this page

Note: View resources related to City elections.

Lobbyist and Political Consultant Filing Portals

Lobbying filing portal for lobbyists and City officials

Political consultant filing portal for political consultants and City officials

Available Disclosure Reports

View lobbying reports prior to 2014 and political consultant reports prior to 2018 Q3.

How to Register as a City Lobbying Entity

If you are a lobbying entity who spends at least eight hours lobbying OR spends at least $1,000 lobbying during a calendar quarter, you are required to register as a lobbyist with the City. Follow these simple steps below to learn how to register:

  1. Create a Portland Online account.
  2. Once logged in, access the online filing portal to register your lobbying entity, add lobbyists, and file quarterly reports.
  3. Look for a registration confirmation email in your inbox.

Lobbying Program Training Manuals

List of Registered Lobbyists

View the list of lobbyists who are currently registered.

List of City Officials

The following individuals are subject to disclosures under the City's lobbying regulations:

  • Elected officials
  • At-will staff of elected officials
  • City directors as defined in City Code

For specific definitions of the above individuals, see City Code 2.12

The Auditor's Office maintains a list of City officials subject to the regulations.

City Officials' Calendars

City Code 2.12.070 D. requires elected officials and certain City bureau directors to post their calendars of activities related to official City business. Calendars must be posted by the 15th day after the end of the calendar quarter for the previous calendar quarter.

Click here to view City officials' calendars.

Important Dates and Deadlines

Lobbying Statements, Gift & Calendar Reporting, and Elected Officials' Political Consulting Disclosure Deadlines:

QuarterReporting PeriodLast Day to File*Last Day to Amend Filing*
1January 1 to March 31April 15April 25
2April 1 to June 30July 15July 25
3July 1 to September 30October 15October 25
4October 1 to December 31January 15January 25

*If any of the above dates fall on a weekend or holiday, the deadline for filing falls on the next business day.

Registration Deadlines

  • Lobbying entities must register with the City within 3 business days of meeting the specified threshold (spending at least 8 hours lobbying OR spending at least $1,000 lobbying)
  • Lobbying registrations expire at the end of each calendar year, and registrations must be renewed once the specified threshold is met in the new year.
  • Political consultants must register with the City within 15 calendar days of providing political consulting services to any City elected official.

Code and Administrative Rules for the Programs

Code and RulesLobbying Regulations
City Code 2.12 Regulation of Lobbying EntitiesEstablishes the City's lobbying regulation program, defines City Officials, defines lobbying activities, and provides the disclosure requirements for lobbyists and City Officials.
ARA 15.01 Lobbying Entity Registration and ReportingProvides for additional guidance on lobbying registration and reporting requirements outlined in City Code 2.12.
ARA 15.02 City Official ReportingProvides for additional guidance for the reporting of lobbying activities by City Officials as outlined in City Code 2.12.
ARA 15.03 Enforcement and Civil PenaltiesEstablishes up to $3,000 in civil penalties per violation of the lobbying regulations.
Code and RulesPolitical Consultant Regulations
City Code 2.14 Reporting by Political ConsultantsEstablishes the City's political consultant disclosure program, requires elected officials to disclose when they are receiving services from political consultants, and requires political consultants to register with the City.
ARA 14.01 Political Consultant Registration and ReportingFurther defines political consultants, covered clients, services requiring disclosure, and establishes up to $1,000 in civil penalties per violation of the political consultant regulations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Access frequently asked questions related to the City's lobbyist regulations. If you are unable to find an answer to your question, email us directly at lobbyist@portlandoregon.gov or consultant@portlandoregon.gov. Our office generally responds within 1-2 business days.


View enforcement of lobbying and political consultant regulations that result in civil penalties.


Lobbying Regulations

Office of the Auditor

Political Consultant Regulations

City Elections

City Elections Division

Louise Hansen

City Elections Officer
