Investigation Timeliness
The Settlement Agreement with the United States Department of Justice requires investigations into police misconduct be completed in 180 days. IPR has smaller goals within the 180 days for each stage of an investigation. The City fell out of compliance with this section of the Settlement Agreement in 2020 but regained substantial compliance in the fourth quarter of 2021. IPR’s quarterly reports will include an update on timeliness as we work to maintain compliance with this section of the Agreement.
Two investigations reported in 2022 Q3 were closed in under 180 days. Three investigations from 2022 Q3 exceeded 180 days. Availability of involved officers and complainants led to delays in scheduling. Four investigations from 2022 Q4 and two from 2023 Q1 remain open and will be added to the chart as they close or exceed 180 days.
Each stage of an investigation has its own timeliness goal. IPR is responsible for the intake investigation (14 day goal) and retains some cases for full investigation (70 day goal). The median days taken to complete a full investigation has remained at or under 70 days the last four quarters. These numbers may change as open investigations are completed.
New Officer-Involved Shootings and In-Custody Deaths
There were no officer-involved shootings or in-custody deaths during the first quarter of 2023. An officer did use a shotgun to strike a subject in the head on February 11th, 2023. This is being investigated as a use of deadly force.
Updates and Publications
- IPR updated online dashboards about complaints: ( and allegations: (
- IPR contracts with the OIR Group to conduct an outside review of officer involved shootings and in-custody deaths and make recommendations to the Bureau. The Group released its eighth report in March 2023 (