This meeting has been cancelled so the Committee can attend a training |
The City of Portland's Independent Police Review (IPR) provides ASL interpretation. Please contact IPR before the meeting if there are other ways we can help you participate:, 503-823-0146 (or TYY 503-823-6868)
Visit our website for more information regarding the Independent Police Review, Citizen Review Committee (CRC), protocols, CRC meeting schedules, and approved minutes:
Traducción e Interpretación | Biên Dịch và Thông Dịch | अनुवादन तथा व्याख्या
口笔译服务 | Устный и письменный перевод | Turjumaad iyo Fasiraad
Письмовий і усний переклад | Traducere și interpretariat | Chiaku me Awewen Kapas
Translation and Interpretation: 311
The City of Portland ensures meaningful access and reasonably provides: translation, interpretation, modifications, accommodations, alternative formats, auxiliary aids and services. To request these services, call 311 for Relay Service or TTY: 711.