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Citizen Review Committee Meeting

Public Meeting
5:30 pm 7:00 pm

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Date:           Wednesday, May 1st, 2024

Time:           5:30 pm     * Please Note: agenda times are approximate
We are holding a virtual meeting via Zoom. If you do not have access to a computer, and would like to join the meeting, please call our office at 503-823-0146 at the minimum 3 days prior to the meeting so we can make appropriate accommodation 


5:30 pm - 5:35 pm       Introductions and Welcome (CRC Chair Yume Delegato)
                                        (Approval of April 3rd, 2024 CRC meeting minutes)

5:35 pm - 6:00 pm       Welcome new CRC members          

6:00 pm - 6:10 pm       Director's Report (IPR Director Ross Caldwell)         

6:10 pm - 06:20 pm      Chair's Report (CRC Chair Yume Delegato)

6:20 pm - 6:30 pm       New/Old Business:                        

6:30 pm - 6:40 pm       Workgroup updates:

Please provide the following information —
                    1) Brief summary of the goals and objectives of your workgroup
                    2) Date of last meeting
                    3) Brief summary of the work done at your last meeting
                    4) Next scheduled meeting
                    5) Main topic to be discussed/addressed at the next meeting
                    6) Any assistance from IPR or CRC needed to achieve your goals


1. Accountability Transition Workgroup (5 min.)
MISSION STATEMENT: To monitor and assist the city and relay community input as appropriate towards the implementation of a transition plan for civilian oversight of police in the City of Portland with respect to City Charter
Chair: Michael Walsh / Members: Jessica Katz, Yume Delegato
IPR staff: David Nguyen

2. Recurring Audit (5 min.)
MISSION STATEMENT:  The Recurring Audit Workgroup seeks to improve accountability of IPR and PPB by reviewing closed cases and other relevant data to ensure procedures, policies and protocols are appropriate and followed, and that recommendations for improvements are made based on emerging evidence and analysis. The Recurring Audit Workgroup will also work with other CRC Workgroups to develop policy recommendations for improvements.   
Chair: Kyra Pappas / Members: Gregg Griffin
IPR staff: David Nguyen

6:40 pm- 6:55 pm        Public comment and wrap-up comments by CRC members

TBA                             Adjournment

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