Citizen Review Committee Meeting

Public Meeting
5:30 pm 6:30 pm

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5:30 pm - 5:35 pm       Introductions and Welcome (CRC Chair Candace Avalos)
                                 (Approval of June 7, 2023 meeting minutes)
5:35 pm - 5:40 pm       About Tonight's Meeting

5:40 pm - 5:45 pm       Director's Report (IPR Director Ross Caldwell)         
5:45 pm - 5:50 pm       Chair's Report (CRC Chair Candace Avalos)

5:50 pm - 6:00 pm       New/Old Business:                        
                                  1) CRC Report Update
6:00 pm—6:15 pm        Workgroup updates:

Please provide the following information —
                    1) Brief summary of the goals and objectives of your workgroup
                    2) Date of last meeting
                    3) Brief summary of the work done at your last meeting
                    4) Next scheduled meeting
                    5) Main topic to be discussed/addressed at the next meeting
                    6) Any assistance from IPR or CRC needed to achieve your goals


1. Transition Past Workgroup (5 min.)
MISSION STATEMENT: The Transition Past Workgroup seeks to compile a summary of the CRC's 20+ year history, including but not limited to: a timeline of historic events; previous reports and projects; CRC code review; best practices; and an overview of notable CRC cases. This will be compiled into a report that will serve as a historical bookmark and a resource to future CRC groups.  
Chair: Candace Avalos / Members: Yume Delegato, Sylvan Fraser, and Taylor Snell
IPR staff: David Nguyen
2. Transition Future Workgroup (5 min.)
MISSION STATEMENT: The Transition Future Workgroup seeks to create a strategic plan for how the CRC will operate and what projects and advocacy it will take on in the coming years as we wait for the new oversight system to take effect. The goal of this report that will be compiled in collaboration with the Transition Past workgroup is that this will serve as a road map for the CRC's work starting in 2024.  

Chair: Yume Delegato / Members: Candace Avalos, Jessica Katz, and Chris Piekarski
IPR staff: David Nguyen

3. Recurring Audit (5 min.)
MISSION STATEMENT:  The Recurring Audit Workgroup seeks to improve accountability of IPR and PPB by reviewing closed cases and other relevant data to ensure procedures, policies and protocols are appropriate and followed, and that recommendations for improvements are made based on emerging evidence and analysis. The Recurring Audit Workgroup will also work with other CRC Workgroups to develop policy recommendations for improvements.   
Chair: Kyra Pappas / Members: Vadim Mozyrsky, and Gregg Griffin
IPR staff: David Nguyen

6:15 pm—6:30 pm           Public comment and wrap-up comments by CRC members
TBA                             Adjournment