Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Citizen Review Committee

Public Meeting
Public Safety
5:30 pm 7:30 pm

Date:           Wednesday, April 13th, 2022 (meetings are typically held the first Wednesday of each month, but for for this month, this meeting has been moved)
Time:           5:30 pm     * Please Note: agenda times are approximate
In accordance with City and State guidelines regarding to the COVID-19, we are holding a virtual meeting via Zoom
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Webinar ID: 827 9798 0628
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5:30 pm—5:35 pm       Introductions and Welcome (CRC Chair Candace Avalos)
                                      (Approval of March meeting minutes)                               

5:35 pm - 5:40 pm      About Tonight's Meeting 

5:40 pm—5:45 pm       Director's Report (IPR Director Ross Caldwell)
5:45 pm—5:50 pm       Chair’s Report (CRC Chair Candace Avalos)             
5:50 pm—7:15 pm       New/Old Business

  1. Finish discussion from March meeting regarding CRC member conduct and protocol
  2. Review Standard of Review one pager and discuss distribution plan
  3. Create standards for future community engagement events
  4. Update from CRC on commissioner meetings
  5.  Review transition plan for IPR and adjustments due to Outreach Coordinator’s departure
  6.  CRC elections
  7. Discussion of upcoming CRC meeting                              

7:15 pm—7:25 pm        Workgroup updates:

Please provide the following information —
                    1) Brief summary of the goals and objectives of your workgroup
                    2) Date of last meeting
                    3) Brief summary of the work done at your last meeting
                    4) Next scheduled meeting
                    5) Main topic to be discussed/addressed at the next meeting
                    6) Any assistance from IPR or CRC needed to achieve your goals


1. Policy & Outreach Workgroup (5 min.)
MISSION STATEMENT: The Policy & Outreach Workgroup engages the community to raise awareness about the Citizen Review Committee (CRC), gather concerns about police services and accountability, and identify issues for the CRC to address.
Chair: Vadim Mozyrsky / Members: Julie Falk, Jessica Katz, David Lin, and Shaina Pomerantz 
IPR staff: Irene Konev, Senior Community Outreach Coordinator

2. Recurring Audit (5 min.)
MISSION STATEMENT:  The Recurring Audit Workgroup seeks to improve accountability of IPR and PPB by reviewing closed cases and other relevant data to ensure procedures, policies and protocols are appropriate and followed, and that recommendations for improvements are made based on emerging evidence and analysis. The Recurring Audit Workgroup will also work with other CRC Workgroups to develop policy recommendations for improvements.   
Chair: / Members: Vadim Mozyrsky, Gregg Griffin and Kyra Pappas
IPR staff: Irene Konev, Senior Community Outreach Coordinator

3. Crowd Control & Use of Force Workgroup (5 min.)
MISSION STATEMENT: The Crowd Control & Use of Force Workgroup examines existing use of force policies, training, and tactics of the Portland Police Bureau, reviews best practices, legal standards and other information, and makes appropriate recommendations. 
Chair: Candace Avalos / Members: Candace Avalos, Sylvan Fraser, Taylor Snell, Yume Delegato, Amanda Greenvoss, Sarah Malik, Amanda Boman, Barak Goodman, Val Barlow, and Alec Condon
IPR staff: Irene Konev, Senior Community Outreach Coordinator
7:25 pm—7:35 pm           Public comment and wrap-up comments by CRC members
TBA                             Adjournment

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