Weekly Street Services report: December 19 - 25, 2022

The Street Services Coordination Center is dedicated to assisting people experiencing homelessness and reducing the impacts of homelessness in Portland. We collect trash, evaluate health and safety risks, remove unsafe camps, provide shelter referrals and transportation to shelters.

Community members,

We are pleased to provide a summary of last week’s Street Services Coordination Center’s activity. This is a collaborative team that streamlines services offered to those living outside and to expedite homelessness related cleanup efforts throughout Portland in a compassionate manner. Our team is comprised of the Homelessness and Urban Camping Impact Reduction Program, Fire & Rescue, police, transportation, parks and recreation, and Multnomah County. Together we’ve taken a collective approach to remove campsites that pose the highest risk to health and safety.

In the event of a Severe Winter Weather Declaration, the City will not require people to move during campsite cleanups. Sites that have been posted will be cleared of any trash and/or bio-hazard material during the severe weather, but occupants will not be required to move until the Severe Winter Weather Declaration has been lifted. Sites that have been posted but not completely cleaned due to the weather, will be reposted and cleaned in the coming weeks. Severe Weather criteria: The Joint Office, as well as Multnomah County and Portland Emergency Management, use the following criteria to determine when conditions pose a danger to exposed vulnerable people. Any one of the criteria below will result in a Severe Weather Notice if the conditions are forecasted to persist for four (4) hours or more during what would be severe weather shelter operating hours (8pm-7am):

  1. Forecasted temperature of 25° F (-3.9° C) or below.

  2. Forecasted snow accumulations of 1.0 inch or more sticking to the ground in most locations.

  3. Forecasted temperature at or below 32° F (0° C) with driving rain of 1.0 inch or more overnight.

  4. Other conditions, including severe wind chills or extreme temperature fluctuations.

Shelter referrals

The Street Services Coordination Center has designated shelter beds available to those impacted by campsite removals. We have offered shelter beds to thousands of people experiencing homelessness since April 2022. The data below only represents the number of people who said they were interested in a shelter referral last week and a call was made to determine availability.  

  • 30 people expressed an interest in a shelter referral
  • 24 people accepted shelter referrals
  • 12 people used a shelter bed for at least one night  
  • Total shelter referrals since April 11, 2022: 1403
  • Total people who have used a shelter bed: 558

Campsite assessment, cleanup and removal highlights

The Homelessness and Urban Camping Impact Reduction Program assesses reported campsites, picks up garbage, provides resource referrals, and removes sites that pose health and safety risks. Using empathy and innovation, we minimize the impacts of homelessness while partner programs expand long-term access to safe, affordable housing. 

From December 19 - 25, 2022, the Impact Reduction Program:

  • Received  879  new campsite reports; including  88 reports of people living in vehicles
  • Observed about 303  active campsites, accounting for duplicate reports about the same locations and including vehicle campsites
  • Assessed approximately 347 campsites, engaging with people living there, collecting garbage and biohazardous materials, and coordinating with service providers
  • Removed 37  campsites that posed a risk to health and safety, safely storing campers' personal property* 


  • Shelter referrals offered: 30
  • Shelter referrals accepted: 24
  • Shelter beds used: 12
  • Campsite reports received: 879
  • Total active campsites observed: 303
  • Campsite assessments: 347
  • Campsites removed: 37*

*Campsite removals were paused from Wednesday, December 21 - Saturday, December 24thdue to severe weather

See all campsite locations reported last week.

See all campsite locations reported during the last 12 weeks.

A map shows the geographic sections of Portland: Northwest, Southwest, Southeast, Northeast and North.

North Portland

The Impact Reduction Team cleaned and removed the following sites:

  • Peninsula Cross Trail from N Columbia-Fesseden
  • I-5 SB on ramp from N Lombard EB
  • I-5 SB on ramp from N Lombard WB
  • I-5 NB off ramp to N Skidmore
  • I-5 NB on ramp from N Going
  • I-5 SB on ramp from N Going
  • N Kerby and N Russell
  • N Kerby and N Russell-Graham

Based on health and safety criteria, the following locations have been posted for removal:

  • N Force, south of N Expo
  • N Pier 99 underneath I-5
  • I-5 NB off ramp to N Victory
  • N Denver and N Schmeer
  • N Denver and N Victory
  • I-5 NB off ramp loop to N Lombard
  • I-5 NB off ramp, south of N Lombard
  • N Missouri and N Kilpatrick
  • Madrona Park (2)
  • N Kerby Ave at I-5 SB
  • N Tillamook east of N Kerby
  • I-5 NB on ramp from N Williams

Northeast Portland

The Impact Reduction Team cleaned and removed the following sites:

  • NE Oregon underneath I-5
  • Peace Memorial Park
  • I-5 NB off ramp to NE Weidler
  • NE 63rd and NE Killingsworth
  • NE Cully and NE Killingsworth
  • NE 101st and NE Pacific

Based on health and safety criteria, the following locations have been posted for removal:

  • NE MLK-Grand and NE Clackamas
  • NE Grand and NE Lloyd
  • NE 40th and NE Broadway
  • NE Killingsworth and NE Columbia Pkwy
  • I-205 NB off ramp to NE Killingsworth
  • I-205 MUP at NE Killingsworth
  • I-205 NB off ramp to NE Glisan
  • Colwood Natural Areas at NE Alderwood
  • NE 100th and NE Glisan
  • NE 102nd and NE Oregon-Pacific
  • NE Fremont near NE 105th
  • Gateway Greens
  • Gateway Greens underpass
  • NE 138th and NE Jarrett (1)
  • NE 138th and NE Jarrett (2)

Southeast Portland

The Impact Reduction Team cleaned and removed the following sites:

  • SE 8th and SE Washington
  • SE 8th and SE Stephens
  • SE 8th-9th and SE Harrison
  • SE 9th-10th and SE Mill
  • SE 17th and SE Lafayette (a)
  • SE 23rd and SE Sherrett
  • SE 62nd and SE Powell
  • SE 63rd and SE Powell
  • SE 79th and SE Powell
  • SE 79th, south of SE Rhine
  • SE 80th and SE Rhine-Powell
  • I-205 MUP near SE 92nd and SE Flavel (1)
  • I-205 MUP near SE 92nd and SE Flavel (2)
  • SE 96th and SE Lincoln
  • SwCT at SE 111th
  • SE 162nd and SE Powell

Based on health and safety criteria, the following locations have been posted for removal:​​​​​​​

  • SE Main, west of SE Water
  • SE Salmon, west of SE Water
  • SE Water and SE Salmon lot
  • SE 14th-15th and SE Alder
  • SE Mcloughlin near SE Holgate
  • SE Mcloughlin near SE Rhone (1)
  • SE 54th-55th and SE Powell
  • SE 74th-75th and SE Powell
  • SE 80th-82nd and SE Rhine
  • SE 92nd and SE Caruthers
  • SE 94th and SE Boise
  • SE 94th and SE Yamhill-Taylor
  • SE 94th and SE Pardee
  • I-205 SB off ramp to SE Foster
  • I-205 NB near SE Boise
  • I-205 NB near SE Center
  • I-205 NB near SE 96th and SE Holgate
  • I-205 MUP, south of SE Powell
  • I-205 MUP near SE Grant
  • I-205 MUP, north of SE Holgate
  • I-205 MUP, north of SE Bush
  • SE Flavel, underneath I-205
  • SwCT from SE 92nd-MUP
  • SwCT from I-205-SE 101st
  • SE 124th and SE Division-Caruthers
  • SE 145th and SE Division
  • SE 148th and SE Division-Caruthers
  • SE 160th and SE Stark-Alder

Southwest Portland

The Impact Reduction Team cleaned and removed the following sites:

  • SW 1st and SW Washington
  • SW 1st-2nd and SW Ash
  • SW 5th ramp to I-405 SB
  • SW 13th and SW Alder-Morrison

Based on health and safety criteria, the following locations have been posted for removal:

  • SW Naito and SW Harvey Milk
  • SW Naito-1st and I-405 NB
  • SW 5th and SW Ankeny
  • SW 10th and SW Market
  • SW 10th and SW Clay
  • SW 12th and SW Clay-Columbia
  • SW 14th and SW Alder
  • SW Broadway ramp to I-405 SB
  • SW South Way (ramp to Ross Island Bridge)
  • I-405 SB to I-5 interchange (1)
  • I-405 SB to I-5 interchange (2)

Northwest Portland

The Impact Reduction Team cleaned and removed the following sites:

  • NW Naito and W Burnside
  • NW 1st-3rd and W Burnside-NW Davis
  • NW 14th and NW Everett

Based on health and safety criteria, the following locations have been posted for removal:

  • W Burnside at Burnside Bridge
  • NW 1st and W Burnside-NW Davis
  • NW 2nd and NW Everett
  • NW 3rd and W Burnside-NW Couch
  • NW 3rd and NW Davis
  • NW 3rd and NW Everett
  • NW 3rd and NW Glisan
  • NW 4th and W Burnside
  • NW 5th and NW Hoyt-Irving
  • NW 6th and W Burnside
  • NW 6th and NW Glisan
  • NW 6th and NW Hoyt
  • NW Station Way and NW Lovejoy
  • NW Station Way and NW Northrup
  • W Burnside-NW Couch ramp to I-405 NB