Campsite Removal Complaint/Feedback

Please use this form to report an incident or encounter that you may have experienced while the City of Portland or a city subcontractor was engaging in campsite removal work.
A posted document giving notice of a planned illegal campsite removal

5 to 8 minutes


What type of problem occurred?


If you are trying to locate your property, first call 503-387-1336 to reach the Rapid Response Bio Clean storage facility. You can call Monday through Friday from 9:30am to 3:30 p.m. or Saturday from 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m..

They store all property collected by the City for a minimum of thirty (30) days after the day it is collected. If your property is still missing, continue filling out this form to report the issue.

Who did the person work for?

Next Steps

Please file your complaint with the City of Portland Ombudsman.

Next Steps

Please file your complaint with the Independent Police Review Board.

Where did the incident occur?
To protect your privacy, do not include any personal or health-related information.
Were there witnesses to the incident?
Do you know their name and phone number or email address?

Witnesses will only be contacted if necessary to investigate your complaint. If contacted, witnesses can choose whether they want to participate.

Maximum 3 files.
30 MB limit.
Allowed types: jpg, png, jpeg.

Your Contact Information

We will use your email to confirm your submission.
Please provide your phone number in case we need additional information.
If needed, would you prefer that we contact you by phone or email?

Public Records Statement

Information you provide to the City is a public record and may be subject to release under Oregon’s Public Records Law. This law classifies certain information as available to the public on request. See our privacy statement for more information.