Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

Update your Contact Information for FPDR benefits

Fire and Police Disability and Retirement (FPDR) members can update their phone number, address, email, family status.

Updating your information should take about 15 minutes.

Gather your information

You can create a (POG) website account with an email address and a password. Once you have signed into your POG account, we need to link it to your FPDR information. The initialization process will require the following:

  1. PIN code assigned by FPDR (You may have already received a letter with this PIN.
  2. First name (as listed in FPDR records) 
  3. Last name (as listed in FPDR records) 
  4. Date of birth 
  5. Last 4 digits of your social security number 

You will only need to do this step the first time you log in.

Call us if you need a new PIN

Access the FPDR Member Portal

FPDR Portal

Alternatively, you can download/fill out our form

Print and send by mail/fax or attach to email


Fire and Police Disability and Retirement

Mailing address

Fire and Police Disability and Retirement
1800 SW First Ave Suite 250
Portland, OR 97201
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