Pension Fund Calculator

The FPDR pension calculator is used to calculate a rough estimate of your expected FPDR Two monthly retirement pension benefits.

Learn how retirement benefits are calculated

Refer to Sections 5-302 through 5-304 and 5-310 of Chapter 5 of the City Charter for more information on how retirement benefits are calculated.

Access the FPDR calculator

This calculator can provide an approximate, unofficial estimate of your FPDR pension at retirement. Your actual pension amount may vary from this estimate. Divorce decree allowances and other factors may affect the figure. Changes in legislation or interpretation of legislation may also alter this amount. Please contact FPDR for a final estimate.

Please provide the following information to calculate a rough estimate of your expected FPDR two monthly retirement pension benefits:
Please consult PERS for OPSRP pension benefits.
Hired before July 14, 1995?
Calculated Pension Results
If your tax offset benefit is greater than $0, you are eligible to receive it only if your pension benefit is subject to Oregon personal income tax.
This calculator can provide an approximate, unofficial estimate of your FPDR pension at retirement. Your actual pension amount may vary from this estimate. Divorce decree allowances and other factors may affect the figure. Changes in legislation or interpretation of legislation may also alter this amount. Please contact FPDR for a final estimate.

Refer to Sections 5-302 through 5-304 and 5-310 of Chapter 5 of the City Charter for more information on how retirement benefits are calculated.

To request a pension estimate for up to four dates, please email FPDR.


Fire and Police Disability and Retirement