Disposition of City Real Property Stages

Process Steps
Identification process for excess real property
III. a.
Property Declared Excess

The property owning Bureau determines the property and structures are no longer needed for on-going operations and are excess to the property owning Bureau’s needs.

Internal notification process for excess real property
III. B. 1.
Written Internal NoticeCity Real Property Coordinator notified in writing that property has been deemed as excess
III. B. 2.
Inter-Bureau Transfer or Sale

The property is offered for transfer or sale to other City bureaus, including Council offices.*If other City bureaus, including Council offices indicate interest, upon agreement of terms and conditions, an ordinance will be placed on the Council’s regular agenda. The ordinance will ask Council to designate and assign the property to the interested City party.

III. B. 3.
Extension Opportunity

Request for extension by a City Bureau.            

*If other City bureaus, including Council offices indicate interest, upon agreement of terms and conditions, an ordinance will be placed on the Council’s regular agenda. The ordinance will ask Council to designate and assign the property to the interested City party.

External notification process for excess real property
III. C, 1. a.
External Notification

If no City Bureau or office indicates interest after the property has been offered for sale or transfer to other City bureaus and Council offices, the available property will be identified on the Portland Citywide Excess & Surplus Property website: www.portlandoregon.gov/bibs/cesp. 60 day minimum public comment period begins (Category 3 property only)

III. C, 1. b.

The Property owning Bureau places an information sign on the property identifying it as being considered for disposition by the City and will be listed for sale (in the future) to the public if not acquired by a public agency. The sign is posted for a minimum of 60 days.

III. C, 1. c.
Written Notice to Neighbor Association/ Business

Written notice of proposed disposition and the Public Comment Period to the Neighborhood Coalition, the Neighborhood Association, and the Business Association for the area where the property is located.            *City Real Property Coordinator shall call the Neighborhood Coalition office if Neighborhood association has not responded within 30 days.

III. C, 1. d.
Written notification to Properties

Written notice of proposed disposition and the Public Comment Period by mail to property owners within 200 feet of the subject site.

III. C. 2.
Notification to Regional Entities

A notice of available property for sale is provided to Metro, PDC, TriMet, the Port of Portland, the county in which the real property is located, and surrounding county agencies, the State of Oregon, and affected neighborhood coalition and associations.

Declaration and disposition process for surplus real property
III. D. 1.
Notice of Scheduled City Council Hearing
III. D. 2.
Webpage NoticePosting of Council hearing on Excess & Surplus webpage
III. D. 3.
Ordinance Preparation to declare Property Surplus

Property owning Bureau prepares a non-emergency Ordinance to be placed on the regular City Council agenda. The Ordinance asks council to declare the property surplus and authorize the Property owning Bureau to proceed with a public sale.

III. D. 4.
Property Sale

Upon the effective date of a council Ordinance authorizing the sale, the Property owning Bureau may proceed to sell the surplus property, with or without a real estate agent, for an asking price determined to be reasonable by the bureau's property manager.

III. D. 5.

At the conclusion of the real property disposition, the bureau and City Real Property Coordinator shall coordinate to update the City real property database, and notify the appropriate bureau accounting personnel for financial reporting purposes, as well as City Risk Management for insurance inventory purposes.

This process will updated on this webpage as the property moves through the process.