Station 14 - Alberta Park
Fire Station 14 is located on the north east corner of Alberta Park at N.E. 19th and Killingsworth St. Station 14 has a long and proud firefighting tradition which has been passed from generation to generation of firefighters and continues to this day. Station 14’s response area stretches south from the Columbia river to N.E. Fremont St. and from N.E. Williams Ave. to N.E. 59th Ave. Single-family homes are a significant part of the response area however Station 14 also protects a large industrial area along Columbia Boulevard northward to the Columbia River where they respond on houseboat fires marine related incidents and mutual aid calls with the port of Portland fire department station 14 serves the king Sunderland 7 Vernon Alameda Beaumont Wilshire and Kelli neighborhoods.
To schedule a visit to the station or a visit from one of our fire rigs to a community event, please fill out the online form below.