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Assembly Event Floor Plan Requirements

Permit applications for an assembly event must include a floor plan.

The approved public/special event permit and floor plan must be kept at the event where it is accessible to any fire or police official. Violation of any permit requirements may result in a citation at the time of inspection.

  • A detailed floor plan, clearly drawn to scale, must be submitted with the permit application packet at least 21 calendar days prior to the event. Submitting a permit application package less than 21 days prior to the event may result in double fees.
  • Plans must be an actual representation of the event.
  • It is permissible to use generic facility floor plans, such as those provided by the Oregon Convention Center, EXPO Center, etc.
  • In general, where applicable, the Fire Marshal's Office will not approve floor plans that have not been approved by the facility management.
  • The Fire Marshal's Office, Public/Special Events Inspector, must be notified of any change in the plans no later than 7 days before show opening.
  • Changes filed less than 7 calendar days before the event may result in additional fees if the revisions include changes such as adding booths or tables, reducing exit widths, etc.

The following information is required on all floor plans and must be clearly indicated

  • Event name and dates of actual operation.
  • Name of each area to be used (Hall, Room, Parking Lot, etc.)
  • Location and use of all bulk spaces.
  • Location of Fire Access Lanes – minimum 11 ft. wide.
  • Location and approximate square footage of bark mulch, dust or chips.

Location and dimensions, in feet and inches, plus total square footage, of each area, including

  • Stages
  • Display areas
  • Booths
  • Islands
  • Registration desks
  • Food carts or food booths
  • Motor vehicles
  • Operating machinery
  • Hazardous operations
  • Any other items set up in any lobby or floor area

Location and dimensions, drawn to scale, of

  • Tables
  • Chairs
  • Aisles
  • Exits
  • Barriers

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