Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.

Trauma Intervention Program

Volunteer to help your neighbor get through a difficult situation with the Trauma Intervention Program (TIP).

Trauma Intervention Programs, Inc. Portland/Vancouver Chapter is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) group of specially trained citizen volunteers who provide immediate emotional and practical support to victims, survivors, family, and bystanders following a traumatic event. TIP partners with local police and fire agencies and provides 24-hour service to over one million citizens in the Portland/Vancouver Greater Metro areas. TIP has collaborated with PF&R for almost 20 years. TIP's Portland/Vancouver Chapter currently has over 170 active volunteers who respond it pairs to an average of 150 calls per month.

The Need for TIP

In the hours following a traumatic event, victims and survivors often feel hopeless, confused, devastated, and are emotionally paralyzed.  Confronted with dire situations, they are totally unprepared, and don't know which way to turn.  Emergency personnel on scene are busy with their own duties and responsibilites, and find it difficult to provide meaningful emotional support to victims and survivors.  TIP volunteers are called by these emergency personnel and respond within 20 minutes to provide support until the victims or survivors are able to depend on family members, friends, neighbors, or other support systems.

Additional Information

For more information about the Trauma Intervention Program, Inc., please visit their website or contact June Vining, TIP Coordinator, at 503-823-3937.

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