Services and Resources for Environment

Learn what can and can’t go in your green compost bin in Portland. For homes, that includes food and yard waste. At businesses, it's food only.
Learn what can and can’t go in your garbage bin in Portland.
Paper, plastic, and metal go in your blue recycling bin. Glass should always be collected in a separate glass-only bin. Whether you’re at home, work, or school, the materials you can recycle in Portland are the same.

Who picks up my garbage?

Find out which garbage company is assigned to your home* and how to contact them.
Trees manage stormwater and help to protect public health and the environment. Thank you for partnering with the City of Portland’s Bureau of Environmental Services to plant and care for trees on your property. Learn more about the terms of the partnership agreement and submit an agreement.
Pressure washing and graffiti removal generate pollutants that are harmful to human health and the environment. Wash water from these activities is prohibited from flowing to the city's stormwater system. Follow these best management practices to properly contain wash water and prevent pollution.
The Bill Naito Award was created to honor the stories of individuals, organizations or projects that have continued Bill's work and reflect his dedication. Together, these stories weave a picture of our community's dedication to Portland's urban forest heritage.
This annual report contains important information about Portland's drinking water and water system.
The 2040 Portland Freight Plan (2040Freight) will guide PBOT’s work to build and support a safe, equitable, efficient, and sustainable urban freight system.
This list provides options for tree selection when planting in 3.0 to 3.9 foot wide planting spaces with or without high voltage power lines.
This list provides options for tree selection when planting in 4.0 to 5.9 foot wide planting spaces with high voltage power lines.
This list provides options for tree selection when planting in 6.0 foot wide planting spaces with high voltage power lines.
This list provides options for tree selection when planting in 8.5 foot wide and greater planting spaces without high voltage power lines.
The City of Portland was the first in the United States to draft a carbon reduction strategy. Learn more about the process behind it.

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Abies grandis


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Combined sewer overflows (CSOs) to the Willamette River and Columbia Slough are rare. But when they do occur, Portlanders are advised to stay out of the water for 48 hours following a CSO due to higher levels of bacteria and other contaminants. Find out if a CSO is happening now.