Services and Resources for Garbage and recycling

Learn what can and can’t go in your green compost bin in Portland. For homes, that includes food and yard waste. At businesses, it's food only.
Learn what can and can’t go in your garbage bin in Portland.
Paper, plastic, and metal go in your blue recycling bin. Glass should always be collected in a separate glass-only bin. Whether you’re at home, work, or school, the materials you can recycle in Portland are the same.

Who picks up my garbage?

Find out which garbage company is assigned to your home* and how to contact them.
Have questions, concerns, or complaints regarding your garbage, recycling or compost service? We’re here to help.
Any person collecting commercial solid waste within the City must obtain a commercial collection permit.
City of Portland regulations for businesses related to recycling, single-use bags, Styrofoam, single-use plastics, and proper waste container storage.
Sunderland Yard is a city facility that recycles materials from work done by the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT). Facility produces compost, recycled rock, screened dirt, as well as sand from snow and ice response. Recycled rock and compost for sale. Screened dirt free.
How to set up recycling at your event, and other tips for hosting a sustainable event.
Key policies, programs, and plans that shaped how the City of Portland manages and reduces waste. Details the evolution of Portland's garbage, recycling, and compost collection system from the 1950s to the present.
Rights, responsibilities, and resources for Portland businesses around garbage, recycling, compost, and waste prevention.

Recycling at home

Information about garbage, recycling, and compost for homeowners, renters, and landlords of single-family houses, duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes.
Low-income households with increased garbage needs due to adult diapers or other health condition-related waste can apply for additional garbage service at no cost.
If you are unable to bring your garbage, compost, or recycling carts to the curb because of a permanent or temporary disability, you can request that the waste collection driver pick up bins from your driveway or yard and return them after emptying.
How to keep your green bin clean, tips for choosing a kitchen container, allowed bin liners, and why you should include food but not items labeled “compostable.”
For reporting an issue or discrepancy with your garbage collection schedule.
The only three things you can safely flush down the toilet into the sewer system are the three Ps —pee, poop and (toilet) paper. Nothing else. Remember: Wipes clog pipes. Even if it says "flushable" — it’s not.