Violation of City of Portland Campaign Regulations: Rene for Portland

Press Release
image of downtown portland taken from across the Willamette River. A parallelogram with the words "Elections Press Release" is overlaid on image.
Allegation substantiated against Rene for Portland for violating City contribution limits


The City Auditor’s Office issued a civil penalty of $5,520 against Rene Gonzalez’s campaign for accepting in-kind contributions for six months of downtown parking from Schnitzer Property Management, LLC.

The Elections Office, which is in the Auditor’s Office, investigated a complaint about Rene for Portland accepting prohibited subsidized rent and parking. The in-kind office space donation did not violate City campaign finance regulations. The Elections Officer determined, however, that donated parking spaces from May through October counted as unlawful in-kind contributions.

The Auditor Office’s determination is independent from but related to a recent investigation by the Small Donor Elections Program. The Small Donor Elections Program is not overseen by the Auditor’s Office.

The determination letter for Complaint No. 2022-03-RG is posted on the City Elections Office website.

More information about the City’s campaign regulations can be found in City Charter Chapter 3, Article 3 and Portland City Code Title 2, Chapter 2.10.

The City Elections Office can be contacted at or (503) 865-6503.


Mary Hull Caballero

Portland City Auditor
