Election results

Follow along as Multnomah County shares unofficial election results at MultnomahVotes.gov

Veterans Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, November 11, in observance of Veterans Day.

Written Testimony for Agenda Items

View written testimony submissions for current agenda items. Written testimony is shared with members of Council. Testimony is archived as a part of the record after Council acts on the item.

Displaying 1 - 25 of 48

Agenda Item Name Position Comments and attachments
952 A Brentwood-Darlington Neighbor Oppose Portlander election results are showing a BIG change from the city council, and this contract doesn't expire for 2 more years. Current powerful business leaders are trying to lock in a much maligned contract to keep themselves paid. The new council should decide the future of this relationship.
952 Anonymous Oppose
952 Anonymous Oppose
952 Anonymous Oppose It’s a bad faith action for a lame duck city Council to be voting to extend this contract with clean and safe district for 10 years without the consent of voters. There’s a lot of conflict of interest here since the contract funnels money to members of the Portland business alliance, a lobbying organization for big money interest that has no regard for the people actually living in Portland and… Read more
952 Seth Caddy Oppose It is wrong for the city council to extend any contract for a 10 year period during the lame duck session. Portlanders voted in a new city council structure and we have no intent or interest in being stuck with a contract none of us agreed to. We are voting in a new city council and it needs to be responsible for creation of any such contract.
952 Anonymous Oppose I am writing to express my concern that the current city commission is discussing a vote to extend the Clean & Safe District contract, affecting Portland’s governance and budget for the next TEN YEARS right before a massively impactful election and should therefore require much greater public notice, transparency and consideration. A vote now is deeply troubling, and also unnecessary given… Read more
952 Jesse Dreyer Oppose

952 OSU Portland Center Support

951 Gary Fisher, Multifamily NW Support Support for agenda items 951 and 952

952 SEIU Local 49 Support

952 Anita Davidson Oppose Elsewhere today, I oppose the Downtown Clean & Safe proposals for district expansion and adoption of a new fee schedule. I ask that those be tabled at vote for further development. I have concerns as well about this partner proposal for early contract renewal and 10-year term reset. The need to improve Portland’s Enhanced Service Districts is well documented by the City Auditor and City-… Read more
952 Anonymous Oppose I am testifying to oppose 951 and 952. Gosh, wish I could say I’m surprised that the city council is once again trying to rush through a deal to put money from working class Portlander’s into the hands of wealthy business owners, but I’m not. I am also not surprised that it’s right before an election, in a direct attempt to subvert the will of the people. I am surprised that they are making it… Read more
952 Tiffany Koyama Lane Oppose I am writing to express my concern and frustration that the current city commission is discussing a vote to extend the Clean & Safe District contract. This contract will affect Portland’s governance and budget for the next decade and should therefore require much greater transparency and thoughtful consideration. A vote is premature and unnecessary given the time horizon of the current… Read more

952 Garrison Christian Oppose Do not approve this 10 year contract. Wait for the new city council to vote on this! A concerned downtown resident
951 The Portland Plaza Condominiums Oppose The Board of Directors at The Portland Plaza Condominiums, current Clean & Safe ratepayers, voted to oppose the proposal of Clean & Safe to expand its boundaries and adopt a new fee schedule. The Board did so knowing its Association is one of two HOAs that could benefit immediately from the proposed cap on residential fees. However, the new fee structure is not revenue-neutral--it is an… Read more
952 Steve B Oppose Please Vote NO on ANY extension of the ESD agreement until Portland residents and the incoming city council members have a chance to analyze how this partnership is working and not working for the city. Thank you.
951 Steve B Oppose It is unethical and inappropriate for the current city council to extend the Downtown Portland Clean and Safe Enhanced Services agreement for any amount of time. This is work to be done by the incoming city council in 2025, not something to be rushed through at the final hour. Vote NO on ANY extension of the ESD agreement. Thank you.
951 Anita Davidson Oppose The Downtown Portland Clean & Safe proposals to expand its boundaries and adopt a new fee schedule are premature, rushed, and flawed. New and updated rules and policies for improvement of enhanced service districts, as already identified by the City Auditor and consultant, need to be adopted first, before any ESD is allowed to form, renew, or expand. The new fee schedule is not revenue-… Read more

952 K Helgren Oppose The contract isn’t set to expire for two more years. Extending it during a lame duck session of an outgoing form of government without better notice to Portland residents feels like continued undermining of the new form of government we overwhelmingly voted for and a lack of transparency this council has become infamous for. It also signals the council’s care for wealthy lobbyists above the… Read more
952 Anonymous Oppose How dare you try to bake in a decade-long contract only days before the election? We will not stand for this attempt to side-step the will of Portland voters. Under no circumstances should a move like this be allowed to go through.
951 Anonymous Oppose The presence of these items (951 and 952) on the Council agenda two years before the expiration of the current contract appears to be the result of the Portland Business Alliance using taxpayer money to influence city politicians to try to circumvent the will of Portland residents and to tie the hands of the next City Council. Both the City Auditor and the Consultants who delivered the Audit… Read more
952 Jonathan Beckhart Oppose At this time this is an unnecessary extension without proper conversation and accountability and any decisions about continuation of the CSD contract should be left to the incoming city council and mayor
951 Frann Michel Oppose I call for the City Council to table items 951 and 952 instead of rushing to a precipitate early renewal and expansion of the District and its contract. The early renewal fails to address significant concerns about governance and transparency raised in both the Auditor's report of 2020 and the BDS Planning Consultants' report. The current license has not expired, and the next… Read more
951 Preston Korst Support Please see attached HBA's testimony in support of this agenda item.

952 Luci Longoria Oppose City Commissioners, to extend this contract for ten years at this time at the event of an election without due diligence in community engagement would be a travesty. I strongly encourage you to oppose this agreement at this time and table the item to the beginning of 2025 at the earliest so that the new commission and city administrator have opportunity to facilitate a thorough, transparent and… Read more