
Adopt the North Portland in Motion Plan


WHEREAS, neighborhood and area plans are intended to promote patterns of land use, urban design, public and community facilities and services that encourage and contribute to the economic, social, and physical health, welfare, and safety of neighborhoods and the City as a whole; and     

WHEREAS, the Portland 2035 Comprehensive Plan includes Policy 3.90, promoting active transportation as a key component of the Inner Neighborhoods pattern area; and

WHEREAS, the Portland 2035 Comprehensive Plan includes Policy 9.5, to increase the share of trips made using active and low-carbon transportation modes; and

WHEREAS, the Portland Transportation System Plan includes policy 9.49.e, setting a target mode share of 70% daily non-drive alone trips in Portland’s Inner Neighborhoods pattern area; and

WHEREAS, North Portland in Motion will contribute to the goals of the Transportation System Plan in advancing sustainable communities via the increased use of walking, biking, and using transit to access and travel within the district; and 

WHEREAS, there are major physical and transportation barriers separating neighborhoods in the North Portland Peninsula that make increased walking, biking, and transit use more challenging; and

WHEREAS, North Portland’s existing active transportation network is disconnected and insufficient to serve everyday destinations like schools, parks, libraries, and community centers; and

WHEREAS, after the cost of housing, transportation is the most significant financial burden for a household; and

WHEREAS, getting around by walking, biking, and transit is more affordable than owning and operating an automobile; and

WHEREAS, there are a large number of affordable housing developments throughout North Portland, including New Columbia and along the Interstate Corridor, host to lower-income Portlanders; and

WHEREAS, Resolution No. 37429, passed by the Council on June 12, 2019, adopted PedPDX, Portland’s Pedestrian Master Plan, including updated pedestrian policies, classifications, and investment priorities that have been incorporated into North Portland in Motion; and 

WHEREAS, Resolution No. 36763, passed by the Council on February 11, 2010, adopted the PortlandBicycle Plan for 2030, including policies for desired spacing of bikeways that have been incorporated into North Portland in Motion; and

WHEREAS, the Neighborhood Greenway Assessment Report, developed by the Portland Bureau of Transportation in 2015, identified the need for traffic calming on neighborhood greenways to address operational needs, including reducing traffic volumes and speeds in excess of established guidelines; and

WHEREAS, the N Willamette Blvd Active Transportation Corridor project (T01036), approved by council with Ordinance 191943 , established a new organizing principle for active transportation and biking in North Portland; and

WHEREAS, the Fixing Our Streets 2 local gas tax measure approved by Portland voters in 2020 set aside $500,000 for active transportation projects on the North Portland Peninsula to be programmed by the North Portland in Motion Plan; and

WHEREAS, the Portland Clean Energy Fund Climate Investment Plan identifies Transportation Decarbonization as a major program area and sought to fund shovel-ready projects that could encourage more low-carbon active transportation travel in higher equity areas that had been vetted through a community process, including an allocation for North Portland in Motion; and

WHEREAS, North Portland in Motion was developed by the Portland Bureau of Transportation in cooperation with other City bureaus and with participation from property owners, residents, business owners, and other interested community members; and

WHEREAS, the Portland Bureau of Transportation coordinated and refined the North Portland in Motion project and program list with involvement from Portland Parks & Recreation, Portland Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, TriMet, and other relevant city Bureaus and government agencies; and

WHEREAS, extensive public involvement has included seven Community Advisory Group meetings, highly engaged online events, two well-attended open houses, community walks and bike rides, affordable housing resident focus groups, tabling events, and involvement of neighborhood and business associations and representatives; and

WHEREAS, North Portland in Motion outlines a list of near-term projects and policies to support the continued development of the North Portland Peninsula neighborhoods and surrounding area; and

WHEREAS, North Portland in Motion supports access for pedestrians and bicyclists by providing improved crossings and completing facilities for walking and biking on designated streets within and to activity centers, consistent with the Portland Bicycle Plan for 2030 and PedPDX; and           

WHEREAS, North Portland in Motion prioritizes active transportation and transit projects within and connecting to equity focus areas within the plan area that have higher than average concentrations of low-income households, people of color, renters, and households that do not own a car; and

WHEREAS, North Portland in Motion prioritizes these projects and programs to help city staff and stakeholders focus their efforts effectively; and

WHEREAS, North Portland in Motion identifies the next major transportation projects and studies to focus future work in the district.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Portland adopts North Portland in Motion and its recommendations as Non-Binding City Policy attached as Exhibit A; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council directs city staff to incorporate the projects and policy recommendations found in North Portland in Motion into the next update of the PortlandTransportation System Plan; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that North Portland in Motion will serve as a guiding strategy for the development and implementation of near-term transportation infrastructure in the North Portland in Motion plan area and portions of surrounding neighborhoods; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that City Council directs staff to apply innovative facility design solutions featured in North Portland in Motion aimed at meeting community needs at reduced expense; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council directs city staff to make implementation of the projects a priority among its efforts in North Portland and to continue to work with district stakeholders to support the funding and implementation of projects in the North Portland in Motion plan through efforts such as the Portland Clean Energy Fund and Fixing Our Streets; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Council gratefully acknowledges the excellent work and dedication of the North Portland in Motion Community Advisory Group, North Portland community-based organizations, business associations, and neighborhood associations, and other participating community members.

Exhibits and Attachments

Impact Statement

Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information

  • The purpose of this resolution is to adopt the North Portland in Motion plan document which identifies a priority list of near-term transportation projects in the North Portland peninsula, as well as a series of program and policy recommendations to be applied broadly through the plan study area.
  • North Portlandin Motion was developed through a robust community engagement strategy to identify needs and priorities for investment. The engagement included a strong emphasis on engaging priority equity groups in North Portland, especially in the Portsmouth and St Johns neighborhoods, including the New Columbia affordable housing community.
  • The recommended projects outline a 5-10 year investment strategy of lower-cost neighborhood focused investments to improve conditions for people walking, biking, and using transit in North Portland.
  • This resolution does not include new budget appropriations or binding city policy.

Financial and Budgetary Impacts

  • This resolution does not create a financial action. The recommended projects will be built through prioritization of existing funding resources as well as potential future funding resources that will be proposed through the annual City Budget process.

Economic and Real Estate Development Impacts

Not applicable

Community Impacts and Community Involvement

The North Portland in Motion project team prioritized engaging with community members who will be most impacted by the plan, particularly those historically under-served and under-represented, such as low-income residents, people of color, people with disabilities, people who speak a language other than English at home, and local business owners.

From Fall 2021 through Spring 2024, the project team conducted thoughtful and thorough community engagement in a variety of formats to understand priorities and needs throughout the North Portland peninsula. This valuable feedback has informed prioritized project lists and supplemental policy and program recommendations included in the plan.

Through multiple iterations and rounds of feedback, the project recommendations in North Portland in Motion were continually refined into a collection of near-term projects that will increase access for people walking and biking to everyday neighborhood destinations, reducing dependency on private automobiles for people to meet their daily needs. The project team was careful and considerate in their project scopes, looking to minimize impacts and trade-offs.

Engagement activities included in-person and online open houses, interactive tabling at community events, community walks and bicycle rides, dozens of meetings with community groups and business owners, specific outreach in partnership with affordable housing providers, and a sequence of regular work sessions with the project’s community advisory group.

100% Renewable Goal

This plan outlines a strategy for increasing access for people walking, biking, and using transit to meet their everyday needs. As such, this package of investments is intended to allow North Portlanders to get around without using a car, which is a major energy intensive mode of transportation. By emphasizing human-powered mobility options or those with a lesser energy and carbon footprint, this bundle of projects will help the city meet its goals around clean energy.

Financial and Budget Analysis

No fiscal impact.

Document History

Agenda Council action
Time Certain
City Council

  • Aye (4):
    • Mingus Mapps
    • Dan Ryan
    • Rene Gonzalez
    • Ted Wheeler
  • Absent (1):
    • Carmen Rubio

Introduced by

City department


Requested Agenda Type

Time Certain

Date and Time Information

Requested Council Date
Requested Start Time
9:45 am
Time Requested
30 minutes
Confirmed Time Certain