Endorse the Modified Locally Preferred Alternative for the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program with conditions
WHEREAS, the Oregon and Washington sides of the metropolitan region and the cities of Portland and Vancouver are linked by critical transportation infrastructure vital to each community along the Columbia River; and
WHEREAS, the Interstate Bridge is part of an important trade route for regional, national, and international commerce; and
WHEREAS, the Interstate Bridge carries more than 185,000 people each weekday by car, truck, bus, bicycle and on foot; and
WHEREAS, the existing structures could be significantly damaged in a major earthquake; and
WHEREAS, the existing bridge does not support the needs of today’s transportation system as existing pedestrian and bicycle pathways approaching and across the bridge do not meet current standards; existing transit service is slowed across the bridge and transit options are limited; and the movement of freight is hindered; and
WHEREAS, the I-5 Transportation and Trade Partnership Final Strategic Plan (June 18, 2002) recommended congestion and mobility improvements to address the identified bottlenecks within the I-5 Bridge Influence Area that include I-5 at the Columbia River and I-5 at Delta Park; and
WHEREAS, in 2005 the Washington and Oregon Departments of Transportation formed the joint Columbia River Crossing (CRC) project to improve safety, reduce congestion and increase mobility of motorists, freight traffic, transit riders, bicyclists and pedestrians; and
WHEREAS, the Portland City Council adopted Resolution No. 36618 (July 9, 2008), to support a replacement bridge river crossing with light rail transit as the Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for the CRC; and
WHEREAS, the Washington and Oregon Departments of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and Federal Transit Agency (FTA) completed an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) of the CRC project under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and issued a Record of Decision in 2011; and
WHEREAS, the state CRC program, in coordination with local, regional, and federal partners, continued with project development and advanced the planning, engineering and design of the project road and bridge components to 20% and the transit components to 50%; and
WHEREAS, the CRC project did not secure adequate bi-state funding to advance to construction and was discontinued in 2014; and
WHEREAS, the Portland City Council adopted Ordinance No. 189848 (February 5, 2020), to adopt the 2035 Transportation System Plan and the 2035 Comprehensive Plan in compliance with the Regional Transportation Plan, and includes the Major Projects List for the City of Portland that identifies the Replacement of I-5/Columbia River Bridges and Improvement to Interchanges on I-5 (Project ID 30020), Extend Light Rail from Expo Center to Vancouver (Project ID 30033), and Design and Construct an arterial bridge from Expo Center to East Hayden Island and explore feasibility of designs that would prioritize transit, bikes, and emergency vehicle access, and not facilitate cut-through traffic for vehicles that do not have origins or destinations on the island (Project ID 30111); and
WHEREAS, the Portland City Council adopted Resolution No. 37130 (June 17, 2015) to establish Portland as a Vision Zero city – that no loss of life is acceptable on our city streets, and Resolution No. 37431 (June 13, 2019) Portland’s Vision Zero Action Plan 2-Year Update, sets out specific, measurable actions to move toward zero traffic deaths or serious injuries on Portland streets; and
WHEREAS, the Portland City Council adopted Resolution No. 37144 (July 8, 2015) to establish citywide racial equity goals and strategies and the Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) developed a Five-Year Racial Equity Plan to further those racial equity goals (January 1, 2017), including ensuring that our transportation systems are inclusive of, meet the needs of, support, and prioritize marginalized or underrepresented communities (race, physical ability, geographic location) where institutional and structural barriers impacting mobility and access have been eliminated, enabling opportunity for both economic and social growth; and
WHEREAS, the Portland City Council adopted Resolution No. 37494 (June 30, 2020) declaring that a climate emergency threatens our city, our region, our state, our nation, humanity and the natural world, and that such an emergency calls for an immediate mobilization effort initiating greater action, resources, collaboration and new approaches to restore a safe climate, and that the City of Portland adopts a new target of achieving at least a 50% reduction in carbon emissions below 1990 levels by 2030 and net-zero carbon emissions before 2050; and
WHEREAS, elected leaders from the City of Portland, Metro, Port of Portland, TriMet, and Multnomah County wrote a letter to the Honorable Kate Brown, State of Oregon Governor and the Honorable Jay Inslee, State of Washington Governor (August 20, 2019) to express support for an Interstate-5 bridge replacement project and the states joint commitment to re-start project development as the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program (IBRP); and
WHEREAS, the IBRP is a collaboration between the Oregon and Washington Departments of Transportation, Metro, TriMet, C-TRAN, the Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council, the Cities of Portland and Vancouver, the Ports of Portland and Vancouver, the Federal Highway Administration, and the Federal Transit Administration; and
WHEREAS, City of Portland participates in the IBRP Executive Steering Group, Equity Advisory Group, and staff level groups, and
WHEREAS, the IBRP has recommended a Modified LPA attached here as Exhibit A and that revises the original LPA adopted by Portland City in 2008 as part of the CRC project; and
WHEREAS, City of Portland advisory committees and commissions have received an overview of the Modified LPA and have helped inform the City of Portland Conditions of Approval, attached here as Exhibit B.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Portland supports the Modified Locally Preferred Alternative (Exhibit A) with conditions (Exhibit B) that consists of a replacement of the current I-5 Bridge with a seismically sound bridge, new light rail transit (LRT) as the preferred mode for the dedicated high-capacity transit improvement, construction of three through lanes northbound and southbound on I-5 with the inclusion of one auxiliary lane northbound and southbound between Marine Drive in Portland and E Mill Plain Boulevard in Vancouver, a partial interchange at Hayden Island, delivery of exceptional active transportation facilities, variable rate tolling, establishment of a greenhouse gas (GHG) target and commitment to develop and implement a Community Benefit Agreement; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, further evaluation by the City of Portland will be done consistent with the City’s Vision Zero, climate, and equity policies and goals, including informing the IBRP development of GHG and vehicle miles traveled (VMT) climate goals that will evaluate, monitor, and mitigate impacts; and the IBRP determination on how identity (race, disability, income)-based disparities in travel-time, access, transportation costs, and exposure to air pollution, road noise, and traffic crashes are impacted and reduced; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, City of Portland understands that the bridge size analyzed in NEPA is maximum-impact design and not a commitment on bridge size. The City of Portland recommends that the next phase focus on the smallest bridge possible to meet project and community needs; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the City of Portland asserts its right to continue to comment on and participate in all major decisions in furtherance of the Program outlined in Exhibit A; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, this resolution shall not be interpreted as the City of Portland's final input or acceptance on the design and construction of the project; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that IBRP shall develop a workplan to address City of Portland Conditions of Approval, complete additional analysis and evaluation during the Supplemental Draft Environmental Impact Statement phase of the Program, and report back to Portland City Council on progress against established goals and desired outcomes.
Official Record (Efiles)
Impact Statement
Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information
The purpose of this resolution is to endorse the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program (IBRP) Modified Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA). This is a modification from the 2008 City Council adopted LPA to address the same purpose & need, called the Columbia River Crossing (CRC).
The IBRP Modified LPA includes: replacement of the current I-5 Bridge with a seismically sound bridge, new light rail transit (LRT) as the preferred mode for the dedicated high-capacity transit improvement, construction of three through lanes northbound and southbound on I-5 with the inclusion of one auxiliary lane northbound and southbound between Marine Drive in Portland and E Mill Plain Boulevard in Vancouver, a partial interchange at Hayden Island, delivery of exceptional active transportation facilities, variable rate tolling, establishment of a greenhouse gas (GHG) target and commitment to develop and implement a Community Benefit Agreement. Full description of the Modified LPA is provided in Exhibit A.
The resolution also includes Exhibit B that provide City of Portland Conditions of Approval against the Modified LPA. These conditions have been developed based on existing city policy, code and guidelines, as well as feedback from Portland City Council advisory bodies and are intended to establish accountability in major project decisions against IBRP commitments and to support the City’s mobility, environmental, and racial equity goals.
The IBRP is not a City project and there is no current or anticipated request for local funding. The IBRP is a project prioritized by the State of Washington and State of Oregon, led by a joint program administrative office with bi-state legislative oversight. IBRP is a collaboration between the Oregon and Washington Departments of Transportation, Metro, TriMet, C-TRAN, the Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council, the Cities of Portland and Vancouver, the Ports of Portland and Vancouver, the Federal Highway Administration, and the Federal Transit Administration
The 2035 Transportation System Plan and the 2035 Comprehensive Plan in compliance with the Regional Transportation Plan, includes the Major Projects List for the City of Portland that identifies the Replacement of I-5/Columbia River Bridges and Improvement to Interchanges on I-5 (Project ID 30020), Extend Light Rail from Expo Center to Vancouver (Project ID 30033), and Design and Construct an arterial bridge from Expo Center to East Hayden Island and explore feasibility of designs that would prioritize transit, bikes, and emergency vehicle access, and not facilitate cut-through traffic for vehicles that do not have origins or destinations on the island (Project ID 30111).
Financial and Budgetary Impacts
The IBRP Modified LPA endorsement does not amend the budget or change current or future revenue sources. Endorsing the Modified LPA will not have any immediate impact to budgetary appropriations.
Led by PBOT and as authorized via ORD No. 190513, the City of Portland has an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Washington Department of Transportation for the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program. This IGA authorizes reimbursement of City staff services to participate in the program alternatives analysis, transportation planning, transit planning/engineering, financial structures, community outreach and involvement, and environmental documentation scopes of work.
No local match or similar financial contribution will be required of the City of Portland.
Capital Project code for the grant is T00957. The grant number is TR000320.
Community Impacts and Community Involvement
IBRP staff lead all community relations functions and keep the City of Portland apprised of activities directly associated with the City of Portland. IBRP leads community, business, and property owner outreach. City of Portland staff provide support and staffing for public meetings and public outreach activities as applicable, including meetings with neighborhoods, property owners, and interest groups. COP staff have led communication efforts with city commissions and committees including: the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committees, the Portland Freight Committee, Historic Landmarks Commission, Planning & Sustainability Commission, and the Design Commission.
City of Portland participates in the IBRP Executive Steering Group, Equity Advisory Group, and staff level groups. While not a participating member, City staff also attend the Community Advisory Group meetings and events.
The IBRP program has provided a full overview of community involvement activities to date to the Executive Steering Group and to Portland City Council in a Work Session on May 10, 2022.
Financial and Budget Analysis
Endorsing the Modified LPA will not have any immediate impact to budgetary appropriations. The IBRP Modified LPA endorsement does not amend the budget or change current or future revenue sources. Led by PBOT and as authorized via Ordinance No. 190513, the City of Portland has an Intergovernmental Agreement with the State of Washington Department of Transportation for the Interstate Bridge Replacement Program. This IGA authorizes reimbursement of City staff services to participate in the program alternatives analysis, transportation planning, transit planning/engineering, financial structures, community outreach and involvement, and environmental documentation scopes of work. No local match or similar financial contribution will be required of the City of Portland.
With a current estimated cost of $2,754,574, this portion of the project is funded by a grant from the State of Oregon.