Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.



Adopt the Columbia Lombard Mobility Corridor Plan and its recommendations


WHEREAS, NE Columbia Blvd and NE Lombard Street/US 30 Bypass are vital corridors for freight and people movement, connecting Interstate 5 and 205 and moving goods from a core industrial area to locations locally and beyond and and providing access to a major employment area for the Portland region; and

WHEREAS, both corridors currently suffer from aging infrastructure, gaps and deficiencies in the bicycle and pedestrian network, and inconsistent travel times that result in loss of life, mobility, access, and economic output; and

WHEREAS, the City’s Comprehensive Plan notes in Policy 9.33 that the City should “develop, manage, and maintain a safe, efficient, and reliable freight street network to provide freight access to and from intermodal freight facilities, industrial and commercial districts, and the regional transportation system;” and

WHEREAS, both Columbia Boulevard and Lombard Street are identified as High Crash Corridors in the Vision Zero Action Plan, a plan adopted by City Council on December 1st, 2016 with a goal of eliminating deaths by the year 2025; and

WHEREAS, Columbia Boulevard has been identified in the Metro Regional Transportation Plan as a Mobility Corridor, which should function well for all modes of transportation though different modes may be prioritized to a greater or lesser degree on different facilities within the corridor; and

WHEREAS, the City’s Transportation System Plan 2016 Update identify two priority studies, the “Columbia Corridor Access Study” and “Lombard Corridor Transportation and Streetscape Plan” that overlap with the study area of the Columbia Lombard Mobility Corridor Plan; and

WHEREAS, the City’s Transportation System Plan identified several projects within the study area in need of refinement; and

WHEREAS, Council previously passed Ordinance No. 188429 on June 07, 2017, authorizing application to the Oregon Department of Transportation and Department of Land Conservation and Development for three Transportation and Growth Management program grants, including the Columbia Lombard Mobility Corridor Plan; and

WHEREAS, Council passed Ordinance No. 189198 on October 10, 2018 entering into a contract with the State of Oregon in the amount of $110,000 as a 24.73% match of the total project budget of $444,860 for consultant services; and

WHEREAS, the Columbia Lombard Mobility Corridor Plan identifies projects and policies to address deficiencies and improve safe and comfortable access to employment, services, and recreational opportunities while maintaining travel time predictability; and

WHEREAS, the recommendations in the Columbia Lombard Mobility Corridor Plan are the result of a two-year, community driven planning process that identified deficiencies and needs along the corridors and how the City of Portland should prioritize investment, with recommendations for improvements both along the corridor, as well as north-south crossings and a connected network for people biking; and

WHEREAS, the recommendations in the Columbia Lombard Mobility Corridor Plan propose revisions to seven existing projects in the Transportation System Plan and 17 new projects; and

WHEREAS, implementing these recommendations will ensure the Columbia and Lombard corridors continue to facilitate movement of people and freight, but also improve safety and access for all road users;

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City of Portland adopts the Columbia Lombard Mobility Corridor Plan and its recommendations as Non-Binding City Policy attached as Exhibit A; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council directs city staff to include the projects found in the appendix of Columbia Lombard Mobility Corridor Plan, attached as Exhibit B, in the next update of the Transportation System Plan Major Projects list;and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Council directs city staff to update classifications in a manner consistent with this plan in the next update to the Transportation System Plan street classifications; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Columbia Lombard Mobility Corridor Plan will serve as a guiding strategy for the development of transportation infrastructure along the Columbia and Lombard corridors and portions of surrounding neighborhoods; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that City Council directs city staff to make implementation of the projects a priority and to pursue funding to begin the necessary level of project development and/or design to implement the project recommendations identified in the plan; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that City Council directs PBOT city staff to work with necessary staff from Parks and Recreation, Bureau of Development Services, Bureau of Planning and Sustainability, Metro and the Port of Portland to develop a preferred alignment of the Columbia Slough Trail between NE 33rd Avenue and NE 47th Avenue and pursue funding opportunities for implementation; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that City Council directs PBOT city staff to coordinate with Bureau of Environmental Services on projects that would jointly treat stormwater runoff in the Columbia Corridor and improve the condition and safety of city-maintained streets for all users; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that City Council directs PBOT city staff to work with ODOT Rail and Union Pacific on safety improvements along the Kenton Line in the project area and advance project development to improve the safety of crossings at 11th Avenue and Cully Boulevard; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that City Council directs staff to pursue the policy recommendations of the Columbia Lombard Mobility Corridor Plan to improve safety, movement of people and freight, and access along and across these corridors; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Council gratefully acknowledges the excellent work and dedication of the Columbia Lombard Mobility Corridor Plan Stakeholder Advisory Committee, and other participating community members and organizations.

Impact Statement

Document History

Agenda Council action
Time Certain
City Council

  • Aye (5):
    • Jo Ann Hardesty
    • Mingus Mapps
    • Carmen Rubio
    • Ryan
    • Ted Wheeler

City department

Requested Agenda Type

Time Certain

Date and Time Information

Requested Council Date
Requested Start Time
2:00 pm
Time Requested
1 hour
Confirmed Time Certain
Portland Policy Document
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