

Accept report on My People's Market


Prosper Portland and Venture Portland launched My People's Market (MPM) in November 2017, striving to create pathways for entrepreneurs of color to connect with the travel industry and new market opportunities.  YGB Portland joined the team to support the first market in 2017 and has remained an integral part of the event. 

MPM is held twice a year and as of August 2021, has hosted seven markets, one holiday popup, one online marketplace, and two Window Shops.  Upcoming events are detailed below.

MPM brings several Prosper Portland programs together to support local entrepreneurs, including the Mercatus BIPOC business directory, the Inclusive Business Resource Network, and the Affordable Commercial Tenanting program.

The MPM team makes space in each market to include cultural exhibits or performances. MPM strives to create an environment that honors and celebrates communities of color, through educational opportunities for market goers, fair payment to artist and performers, and holistic care and wellness for communities. In the past this has included Albina Queens installation, Oregon Black Pioneers, and a free wellness lounge. 

At the December 1, 2021, Portland City Council meeting, Prosper Portland staff and MPM advisory board members will provide both an update on the history, mission, values of MPM, as well as information on upcoming events.

Impact Statement

Document History

Agenda Council action
Time Certain
City Council
Motion to accept the report: Moved by Hardesty and seconded by Ryan.

  • Aye (5):
    • Mingus Mapps
    • Carmen Rubio
    • Ryan
    • Jo Ann Hardesty
    • Ted Wheeler

City department

Requested Agenda Type

Time Certain

Date and Time Information

Requested Council Date
Requested Start Time
9:45 am
Time Requested
30 minutes
Confirmed Time Certain
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