Accept the Technology Oversight Committee Quarterly Report
Technology Oversight Committee
Quarterly Report to Council (October — December 2021)
PART I – Technology Project Oversight
On February 2, 2011, City Council approved Resolution #36844 creating an independent five-member citizen committee for City of Portland technology projects. On April 20, 2011, City Council adopted changes to City Code Chapter 3.15.010 and Chapter 3.15.070 to establish the duties and authorities of the Chief Administrative Officer and Chief Technology Officer respectively as they relate to Technology Project Oversight. On June 29, 2011, Council adopted an update to BTS Administrative Rule (A.R.) 4.01 – Technology Project Intake as well as a new rule (BTS A.R. 1.07) on Technology Project Oversight.
As stated in BTS A.R.1.07, technology project oversight for the City of Portland may include the following components:
- Citizen Oversight
- Quality Assurance
Citizen Oversight
The citizen members of the Technology Oversight Committee (TOC) are:
Represented by Member
Mayor Wheeler Wilfred Pinfold, PhD, CEO, Inc.
Commissioner Mapps Jimmy Godard
Commissioner Ryan Leland Knell
Commissioner Rubio Dyanna Garcia
Commissioner Hardesty Victoria Trapp
Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance (QA) – provided by external contractors – is a required component of projects under the purview of the TOC. The role of the QA consultants on a project overseen by the TOC is to provide guidance and oversight to the City staff on the technology project, but ultimately to report the QA’s unbiased findings to the TOC.
- The TOC is staffed by the Office of Management & Finance (OMF) Business Operations Division. OMF Bureau of Technology Services (BTS) provides expertise to support the TOC through the duration of projects overseen by the TOC. Customer bureaus whose projects are under the purview of the TOC are responsible to provide accurate and timely project information to OMF and the TOC from the time of project intake through TOC monitoring to project completion.
PART II – Summary of Technology Projects under TOC Oversight
The Integrated Tax System (ITS) led by TheOffice of Management & Finance
Project Description:
The project has implemented an integrated tax system solution that provides portal self-service and eFiling for users and stores Federal Taxpayer Information (FTI). In subsequent phases, the ITS program is now implementing additional new taxes onto the existing platform that was deployed in September 2020. Deliverables include a customer-centric interface and a system that integrates data from multiple data sources and satisfies requirements for tax administration of all current and future tax types.
Major accomplishments October through December 2021:
The Integrated Tax System project is in the third Release (referred to as R3) of development, implementing Metro Supportive Housing Services taxes as well as the Multnomah County Universal Preschool for All tax. This phase is rated green and is about to go live.
The project continues to operate at slightly below its budget. Change management activities continue to pace well with the project, despite momentum increasing. The Quality Assurance and TOC monitoring of the ITS project will commence closeout activities with the go-live of R3.
Upcoming milestones next quarter:
- Go Live
Risks, concerns, and comments from TOC:
No new risks, concerns, or comments from the TOC.
Police Office 365 Implementation Project led by Police
Project Description:
The goal of this project is to provide Police with the ability to collaborate with rest of City via Office 365. Police email accounts will be migrated to Office 365 and eliminate the need to upgrade on premise Exchange servers (warranty coverage expires October 2022).
Major accomplishments October through December 2021:
Currently this project is in the discovery phase, where the goals are to: Establish team collaboration, identify incompatibilities, collect project requirements, identify project roles and responsibilities, procure the Production and Test tenants, draft the sustainment plan, complete architectural design, draft the organizational change management plan, prepare a high-level implementation plan and obtain approval of this plan by the project steering committee.
Upcoming milestones next quarter:
- Complete contracting activities and onboard Quality Assurance vendor
- Collect requirements
- Prepare trial tenant, procure Production and Test tenants
- Complete first round sustainment plan review
- Complete architectural design
Risks, concerns, and comments from TOC:
- Phases two and three estimated timelines unknown until after research phase complete.
- Police project management has limited experience with organizational change management; BTS is assisting.
- Procurement capacity is very limited, Production and Test tenants likely unavailable until late January.
- Microsoft engineers suggest what the City is attempting with cross tenant synchronization is unprecedented, Oregon State Police confirmed this.
- Project schedule is highly dependent on resource availability; many team members are also assigned to other project and service responsibilities.
SAP Suite on HANA led by The Office of Management & Finance
Project Description:
While this project is not officially under the oversite of the TOC, staff provides periodic updates to the Committee.
- This project lays the foundation for the future implementation of SAP S/4 HANA, which is the digital core for seamless integration of all best of breed SAP products and partners.
- The project successfully went live in December, 2021 as planned.
- The cutover is complete
- All users are logging into SAP on the HANA hardware.
- No major issues identified as part of the cutover - the team corrected some minor connection issues.
- Users have been consistently reporting that the throughput of the system including reporting has improved considerably. In measuring a sample set of reports on the old hardware during peak hours and on the new HANA hardware during peak hours, we documented a 75% performance improvement.
- Knowledge transfer with our implementation partner has been completed and city resources are fully supporting SAP on the new hardware. Implementation partner has rolled off this project.
- Project Retrospective will be completed, and the project will close out.
PART III – Future Technology Projects to be Overseen by the TOC
Police Body-Worn Cameras
Police Records Management System (RMS) Cloud Migration
Official Record (Efiles)
Impact Statement
Financial and Budget Analysis
No fiscal impact