Presidents Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, to observe Presidents Day.

Portland is a Sanctuary City

Find sanctuary city resources from the City of Portland's Immigrant & Refugee Program, including free legal services and state resources for reporting hate crimes, bias incidents, discrimination, and violations of Oregon's sanctuary laws.



Proclaim June 2023 to be the 40th Anniversary of the 40 Mile Loop

Placed on File

Whereas, at the request of the 40 Mile Loop Land Trust, the 40 Mile Loop Master Plan was developed by David Evans & Associates 40 years ago and was published in May, 1983; and

Whereas, the 40 Mile Loop Master Plan called for the development of a system of trails and pathways throughout Multnomah County, connecting parks, natural areas, commercial and employment centers, and neighborhoods; and

Whereas, the rebirth of the idea for an interconnected system of trails and pathways has served the citizens well by providing convenient and safe places for people to walk and bicycle separated from traffic; and

Whereas, even though the Master Plan calls for over 140 miles of trails and pathways, the name 40 Mile Loop is derived from and honors a vision of interconnected parks articulated 80 years earlier by renowned landscape architect John Charles Olmsted and as subsequently interpreted by Portland Parks Superintendent Charles Paul Keyser; and

Whereas, the 40 Mile Loop has inspired an expanded vision of a regional system of trails and pathways connecting all cities in the Portland Vancouver metropolitan area and beyond; and

Whereas, the 40 Mile Loop acknowledges and thanks local governments and non-profit partners, including The City of Portland and Portland Parks & Recreation, for their willingness to adopt trail and path alignments called for by the 40 Mile Loop Master Plan, for their commitment to design, fund, and construct segments of the 40 Mile Loop, and for their ongoing commitment to maintain this incredibly valuable public asset for all to use and enjoy; and

Whereas, at this 40th anniversary of the 40 Mile Loop Master Plan, we call upon all of our local government partners to recommit to the completion of the 40 Mile Loop which stands today at 70% completed.

Now, therefore, I, Ted Wheeler, Mayor of the City of Portland, Oregon, the “City of Roses,” do hereby proclaim June 2023, to be the

40th Anniversary of the 40 Mile Loop

in Portland and recognize that the 40 Mile Loop and the Regional Trail System are integral parts of a safe, healthy, and sustainable urban ecosystem for all community members and visitors to enjoy.

Financial and Budget Analysis

No fiscal impact.

Document History

Agenda Council action
Time Certain
City Council
Placed on File

City department


Darion Jones

Assistant Director, Office of Arts & Culture

Requested Agenda Type

Time Certain

Date and Time Information

Requested Council Date
Requested Start Time
9:45 am
Time Requested
20 minutes
Confirmed Time Certain
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