Proclaim May 24 through June 9, 2024 to be the 117th Annual Portland Rose Festival ‘Dream Forward’
Whereas, in 1905 Portland Mayor Harry Lane called for an annual festival to put Portland on the map and brand it as the "City of Roses"; and
Whereas, the Portland Rose Festival was created in 1907 with a mission to drive economic activity for the region, celebrate Portland's incredible Rose climate, and provide citizens with a common celebration; and
Whereas, the Portland Rose Festival has been produced by the nonprofit Portland Rose Festival Foundation for 117 years as an annual gift to the City of Portland throughout the evolution and growth of the “City of Roses,” and in 2010 was adopted as Portland’s Official Festival; and
Whereas, the Portland Rose Festival continues to keep hope alive by producing programs like the Rose Festival Court, the Queen’s Coronation, CityFair, Fleet Week, Starlight Parade, Junior Parade, and Grand Floral Parade; and
Whereas, the Portland Rose Festival continues to provide an opportunity for people from all backgrounds, experiences, and cultures to join together to celebrate Portland's rich diversity and common humanity.
Now, therefore, I, Ted Wheeler, Mayor of the City of Portland, Oregon, the “City of Roses,” do hereby proclaim May 24 through June 9, 2024, to be the
117th Annual Portland Rose Festival ‘Dream Forward’
In Portland and encourage all residents to come out and participate in these events celebrating our city.