
Emergency Ordinance

*Authorize Director of the Community Safety Division to execute grant agreements for gun violence reduction programs


The City of Portland ordains:

Section 1.  The Council finds:

  1. The City of Portland provides project management for outgoing grants to provide community-based organizations funding that reflects priorities the Mayor and City Council identified to build a more family-friendly city and increase public safety.
  1. Funding for City gun violence reduction programs is included in the adopted budget and the budget monitoring process.
  1. Currently, an ordinance is required to award grants to community-based organizations funded through the city’s budget process. The ordinance process for outgoing grants requires significant time for the agreements to be fully executed.
  1. Due to the increase in gun violence, the City of Portland needs to expedite agreements and amendments to expand resources to provide external support that is desperately needed.
  1. Currently, the Mayor must sign each Gun Violence Reduction grant agreement after the ordinance is passed by Council.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:

  1. The Community Safety Director is authorized to execute agreements and amendments related to gun violence prevention grants provided (1) the City's financial obligations under the agreements, including amendments, do not exceed $500,000 per agreement and (2) Council approves funding for the agreements in the City's budget.

Section 2.  The Council declares that an emergency exists in order to avoid harmful delay in funding violence prevention programs; therefore, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by Council.

Impact Statement

Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information

Currently, an ordinance is required to award grants to community-based organizations funded through the city’s budget process. The ordinance process for outgoing grants requires significant time for the grant agreements to be fully executed.  Due to the increase in gun violence, the City of Portland needs the ability to expedite agreements and amendments to expand resources to provide external support.

Currently, the Mayor must sign each grant agreement after the ordinance is passed by Council.

Financial and Budgetary Impacts

This legislation has no financial and/or budgetary impacts.

Community Impacts and Community Involvement

The special appropriation grantees provide various services to the communities they serve.

100% Renewable Goal

Not applicable.

Budget Office Financial Impact Analysis

This ordinance authorizes the Director of the Community Safety Division to execute outgoing grant agreements and amendments related to gun violence prevention for up to $500,000. Per City Financial Policy 2.04, only City Council may award grants of any dollar amount which are authorized in bureau budgets or Special Appropriations. The process for awarding grants is through an ordinance. Delegating authority to the CSD Director allows the Division to award grants outside the ordinance process, which is expected to reduce the time it takes to get resources into the community to address gun violence.

This is the second ordinance to delegate authority for gun violence prevention grants. The original ordinance was time limited and recently expired. This ordinance has no time limit and extends authority to the Community Safety Division to issue grants for gun violence prevention for up to $500,000 indefinitely.  

Document History

Item 914 Consent Agenda in November 2-3, 2022 Council Agenda

City Council

Referred to Commissioner of Finance and Administration

Introduced by


Mike Myers

Community Safety Transition Director

Sheila Craig

Financial Analyst III/Grants Manager

Requested Agenda Type


Date and Time Information

Requested Council Date