
Emergency Ordinance

*Revise the City chart of accounts to show newly created service areas, bureau, and bureau hierarchy and adopt the updated appropriations schedule


The City of Portland ordains:

Section 1. The Council finds:

  1. A budget is a financial plan containing estimates of revenues and expenditures for a single fiscal year or biennial budget period.
  2. Oregon’s Local Budget Law has several important objectives (ORS 294.321), including to establish standard procedures for the preparation, presentation, administration and appraisal of budgets of municipal corporations, to provide specific methods for obtaining public views in the preparation of fiscal policy, and to enable the public, taxpayers and investors to be apprised of the financial policies and administration of the municipal corporation in which they are interested.
  3. Oregon Revised Statute 294.456 Section 1.a states "After the public hearing required under ORS 294.453 (Hearing by governing body on budget document as approved by budget committee) (1) and consideration of matters discussed at the public hearing, the governing body of a municipal corporation shall enact the ordinances or resolutions necessary to adopt the budget, to make the appropriations, to determine, make and declare the ad valorem property tax amount or rate to be certified to the assessor for either the ensuing year or each of the years of the ensuing budget period and to itemize and categorize the ad valorem property tax amount or rate as required under ORS 310.060 (Notice certifying taxes).
  4. Oregon Revised Statute 294.456 Section 3.a states "the appropriations required under subsections (1) and (2) of this section must contain: One amount for each organizational unit or program of each fund that is the total of all amounts for personnel services, materials and services and capital outlay attributable to the organizational unit or program; and Separate amounts in each fund for operating expenses for personnel services, materials and services and capital outlay that cannot be allocated to a particular organizational unit or program and for debt service, special payments, interfund revenue transfers and operating contingencies.
  5. City of Portland City Code, Title 3 - Administration, Section 3.06.020 states "The various functions and activities of the government of the City shall be assigned to bureaus, divisions, or other administrative units as herein provided by ordinance from time to time. The bureaus and activities assigned thereto shall be distributed to the departments by order of the Mayor."
  6. The City of Portland's City Charter Chapter 7, Article 1, Section 7-102 states "No money shall be expended or payment made from any fund of the City, except assessment, trust, agency, revolving or working capital funds, until an appropriation shall be made therefor. An ordinance making an appropriation of money shall not contain a provision on any other subject."
  7. The City of Portland's City Charter Chapter 2, Article 3, Section 2-301 states "Bureaus and their functions shall be fixed by the Council by ordinance. The distribution of the bureaus and work among departments shall be made and may be changed from time to time by the Mayor by order which shall be filed and preserved as an ordinance. The names of the departments may be changed in like manner. The Mayor may in like manner assign matters relating to any commission to a particular department."

NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:

  1. The creation of the following "Service Areas" 
    1.  Office of the City Auditor Service Area
    2.  Office of the City Administrator Service Area
    3.  Office of the City Council Service Area
    4.  Office of the Mayor Service Area
    5.  Budget & Finance Service Area
    6.  City Operations Service Area
    7.  Community & Economic Development Service Area
    8.  Public Safety Service Area
    9.  Vibrant Communities Service Area
    10.  Public Works Service Area
  2. The creation of the following bureaus:
    1. The Office of the City Administrator
    2.  The Office of City Council
    3. The Office of City Operations
    4. The Office of Community & Economic Development
    5. The Bureau of Human Resources
    6. The Office of the Public Safety Deputy City Administrator
    7. The Bureau of Technology Services
    8. The Office of Vibrant Communities
    9. The Office of Public Works
  3. The Renaming of the bureau "Office of Management & Finance" to "Office of the Deputy City Administrator of Budget & Finance."
  4. The revision of the City's funds center hierarchy to reflect the creation of these service areas and bureaus and the assignment of existing fund centers to these bureaus as arrayed in Exhibit A. 
  5. The most recently revised appropriation schedule from the FY 2023-24 Fall Supplemental Budget (Exhibit No.1 of Ordinance No. 191482) found in Exhibit B is hereby replaced by the Appropriation Schedule in Exhibit C which reflects the updated changes of this Council.
  6. The most recently revised Position Authority schedule from the FY 2023-24 Fall Supplemental Budget (Exhibit No.5 of Ordinance No. 191482) is hereby replaced by the Appropriation Schedule in Exhibit D which reflects the updated changes of this Council.
  7. This ordinance is binding City policy and this Council and all relevant chart of account changes named in this ordinance shall be created in Title III of the City Code.

Section 2.  The Council declares that an emergency exists because a delay would unnecessarily delay the City’s ability to perform the activities authorized by the grant; therefore, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Council.

Impact Statement

Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information

This change revises the City's chart of accounts in a way that enables it to budget and account for the changes to the City's Charter while minimizing and mitigating interruptions to existing service delivery and other revenue and expenditure components.

Financial and Budgetary Impacts

Net zero. Please refer to exhibits.

Community Impacts and Community Involvement


100% Renewable Goal


Budget Office Financial Impact Analysis

Please see exhibits. CBO notes that this changes the chart of accounts, and the ensuing Spring Supplemental Budget Ordinance following this item further changes appropriations within this new chart of accounts.

Document History

Item 302 Time Certain in April 10-11, 2024 Council Agenda

City Council


Rescheduled to April 17, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.

Item 314 Regular Agenda in April 17-18, 2024 Council Agenda

City Council

Referred to Commissioner of Finance and Administration

Introduced by

City department

Requested Agenda Type


Date and Time Information

Requested Council Date
Time Requested
10 minutes
Portland Policy Document