*Appropriate grant for $125,000 from Oregon Health Authority for the 2024 State Healthy Home Grant
The City of Portland ordains.
Section 1. The Council finds:
- Portland Housing Bureau and Portland Permitting & Development applied to Oregon Health Authority for a grant in the amount of $750,000 for 2024 State Healthy Home Grant on April 5, 2024; and
- Oregon Health Authority has notified the City of Portland that it will award a grant for the 2024 State Healthy Home Grant to the Portland Housing Bureau and Portland Permitting & Development in the amount of $750,000;
- The whole award amount is $750,000 for multiple fiscal years.
- Appropriate $125,000 for the fiscal year 2024/2025 and the remaining amount of $625,000 for the remaining grant periods ending November 30, 2027.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:
- The FY 2024/2025 budget is hereby amended as follows:
Fund: 217
Business Area: HC
Bureau Program Expenses: $125,000 (for Fiscal Year 2024-2025)
Section 2. The Council declares that an emergency exists because a delay would unnecessarily delay the City’s ability to perform the activities authorized by the grant; therefore, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by the Council.
Official Record (Efiles)
An ordinance when passed by the Council shall be signed by the Auditor. It shall be carefully filed and preserved in the custody of the Auditor (City Charter Chapter 2 Article 1 Section 2-122)
Passed by Council
Auditor of the City of Portland
Simone Rede
Impact Statement
Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information
- The 2021 Oregon Legislature enacted groundbreaking legislation to help achieve Healthy Homes for low-income households (low-income household = a household having an income equal to or below 80 percent of the earned median family income) and communities impacted by environmental justice factors (environmental justice factor = a circumstance or condition that affects a community's ability to achieve a balance of health, economic or environmental benefits, and burdens or that impacts at community's ability to participate in public processes). HB 2842 directs the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to provide grants to a wide array of third-party organizations, which in turn provide financial assistance to eligible homeowners and landlords to repair and rehabilitate dwellings to address climate and other environmental hazards, ensure accessible homes for disabled residents, and make general repairs needed to maintain a safe and healthy home. Lead-based paint hazards are the number one environmental health hazard facing American children. Research has indicated that low levels of lead exposure significantly affect IQ, reading and learning ability, attention span, and behavior.
- This grant aims to improve health outcomes for residents who live in repaired and rehabilitated housing; preserve the affordability and availability of existing housing stock by addressing deferred property maintenance issues; and help low-income homeowners avoid displacement in the face of short-term crises through access to home repair funds.
- The Portland Housing Bureau responded to a Notice of Funding Availability for State Healthy Home Grant Program funds through the Oregon Health Authority in April to undertake healthy home repairs, in partnership with Portland Permitting and Development (PP&D).
- Oregon Healthy Authority has notified the City of Portland and Portland Permitting and Development that it will award a grant for $750,000 in federal funds to serve households earning 80% AMI or less, with a focus on critical home repairs.
- The Program leverages partnerships to preserve and improve the health and safety of affordable housing in partnership with Empowered Neighborhood Program through substantial grants to address life, safety, and fire hazards.
- The Portland Housing Bureau will leverage the State funding with our current Federal Healthy Home Production Grant.
- The program serves as a critical anti-displacement resource for low-to-moderate-income families city-wide.
Financial and Budgetary Impacts
The State healthy homes grant will bring approximately $750,000 to the community for a grant period of three years. The grant does not require a match. PHB plans to leverage both Federal and State Healthy Home dollars to address high-cost critical home repairs
Economic and Real Estate Development Impacts
This award will be expected to accomplish the following objectives:
- Support public education and outreach that furthers the goal of protecting children and other vulnerable populations from housing-related health and safety hazards;
- Build local capacity to operate sustainable programs that will prevent and control housing-related environmental health and safety hazards in low- and very low-income residences, and develop a professional workforce that is trained in healthy homes assessment and principles;
- Promote integration of this grant program with housing rehabilitation, property maintenance, weatherization, healthy homes initiatives, local lead-based paint hazard control programs, health and safety programs, and energy efficiency improvement activities and programs;
- Create jobs that will provide critical home repair services through the city.
- Ensure to the greatest extent feasible that job training, employment, contracting, and other economic opportunities generated by this grant will be directed to low- and very-low-income persons, particularly those who are recipients of government assistance for housing, and to businesses that provide economic opportunities to low- and very low-income persons in the area in which the project is located.
- Further environmental justice, the fair treatment, and meaningful involvement of all people within the target communities regardless of race, color, national origin, disability, religion, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity), familial status or income regarding the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations, and policies.
Community Impacts and Community Involvement
This grant application was submitted to leverage federal funding support for an established healthy home program to provides direct services to low-income households. The grant will serve 21-30 households within the three-year grant period.
100% Renewable Goal
This will not affect the City's renewable goal.
Budgetary Impact Worksheet
Fund | Fund Center | Commitment Item | Functional Area | Funded Program | Grant | Sponsored Program | Amount |
217006 | HCPG000005 | 511100 | CDHMSFRT000000 | Non-program | HC000198 | HC01980001 | 16,864 |
217006 | HCPG000005 | 514100 | CDHMSFRT000000 | Non-program | HC000198 | HC01980001 | 8,432 |
217006 | HCPG000005 | 529001 | CDHMSFRT000000 | Non-program | HC000198 | HC01980001 | 87,204 |
217006 | HCPG000005 | 601020 | CDHMSFRT000000 | Non-program | HC000198 | HC01980001 | 12,500 |
217006 | HCPG000005 | 441100 | CDHMSFRT000000 | Non-program | HC000198 | HC01980001 | 125,000 |
Financial and Budget Analysis
The State Healthy Homes grant will bring approximately $750,000 to the City for a grant period of three years. The grant does not require a match.