Authorize competitive solicitation and contract with the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant Digester Gas Combustion System Project (Project E10649)
The City of Portland ordains.
Section 1. The Council finds:
- The Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) needs to procure a contractor to replace the Digester Gas Combustion system. The current system is undersized even with temporary measures and is past its useful life.
- The Digester Gas Combustion System is one of the ways that the gases created in the digesters are processed. The system uses flares to burn the gases that were not processed by other means and is significantly safer than venting the gases directly into the air.
- While the current system has a 2nd temporary flare to expand the capacity of the combustion system, it still does not have the capacity to process all the gas created by the digesters. This project will replace both the current and temporary flares with two new flares that have expanded capacity able to handle the anticipated gas volume.
- This system runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to process the gases created in the digesters safely. If the current system were to fail, it would create a public safety hazard along with jeopardizing regulatory compliance.
- The established cost is $5,600,000. The level of confidence is high. Funds are available in the Sewer System Operating Fund, FY2024-25 Budget, Bureau of Environmental Services, WBS Element E10649.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:
- The Chief Procurement Officer is authorized to conduct a competitive solicitation process for the lowest responsive and responsible bidder in accordance with Chapter 5.34 of the Portland City Code.
- Upon the Council’s acceptance of the Chief Procurement Officer’s report recommending the lowest responsive and responsible bidder, the Chief Procurement Officer is authorized to execute a contract, provided the contract has been approved as to form by the City Attorney’s office.
- The Mayor and Auditor are hereby authorized to pay for the contract from the Sewer System Operating Fund Budget when demand is presented and approved by the proper authority.
Exhibits and Attachments
An ordinance when passed by the Council shall be signed by the Auditor. It shall be carefully filed and preserved in the custody of the Auditor (City Charter Chapter 2 Article 1 Section 2-122)
Passed by Council
Auditor of the City of Portland
Simone Rede
Impact Statement
Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information
The purpose of this legislation is to authorize the City to conduct a competitive solicitation process for a Contractor for the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant (CBWTP) Digester Gas Combustion System Project. The project is to replace the existing and temporary combustion systems with a new system.
The project will construct two new flares with expanded capacity to combust the gases produced by the Digesters. This will include new controls and piping that will renew the useful life of the system along with providing a safer combustion system than what is currently in place.
Financial and Budgetary Impacts
The design stage of the project is 90% and the bureau estimates that the construction costs for the project will be $5,600,000 with high confidence level. Funds are planned for in the FY 2024-25 5-year Capital Improvement Plan.
Economic and Real Estate Development Impacts
Not applicable.
Community Impacts and Community Involvement
The project is located within the CBWTP campus with limited anticipated impact to the public. While the project will not directly impact the public it does provide an increased level of safety for the public in the area as the new system.
100% Renewable Goal
While the new system will use less energy than the existing system it does not contribute significantly to the City’s goal of meeting 100% of community-wide energy needs with renewable energy by 2050.
Financial and Budget Analysis
The ordinance authorizes the Bureau of Environmental Services (BES) to conduct a competitive solicitation for the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant Digester Gas Combustion System Project. The project will replace the existing undersized and outdated combustion system with two new flares, improving safety and regulatory compliance. The total estimated cost is $5,600,000, funded through the Sewer System Operating Fund, FY2024-25 Budget.