Amend contract with Carollo Engineers, Inc for professional engineering services for the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant Blower System and Building Improvement project for $1,962,434 (amend Contract 30007680; Project E11304)
The City of Portland ordains.
Section 1. The Council finds:
- Pursuant to Portland City Code Section 5.68.035, the Chief Procurement Officer authorized the Bureau of Environmental Services to enter into Contract No. 30007680 with Carollo Engineers, Inc. (Consultant) for the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant Blower System and Building Rehabilitation (Project) in the amount of $4,374,679.
- Amendment No. 1, effective May 1, 2022, revised the Terms and Conditions section of the Contract and revised the Hourly Rates section.
- Amendment No. 2, effective March 17, 2023, changed the City’s Project Manager and revised the Hourly Rates.
- Amendment No. 3, effective July 1, 2024, changed the City’s Project Manager, changed the Consultants Project Manager, increased the total Contract amount by $699,576, revised the Scope of Work, revised Exhibit B Contract Budget Detail, revised Exhibit C Labor Classifications and increased the Hourly Rates, and revised Exhibit D Design Schedule.
- Additional design engineering services are required to update and design voluntary seismic retrofits to the Blower Building, design replacement of transformer and associated electrical panels and support BES and collaborate with Construction Manager/General Contractor delivery approach. A fourth amendment to Contract No. 30007680 with Carollo Engineers, Inc., is required to increase the contract not-to-exceed amount of $5,074,255 by $1,962,434 for a new total not-to-exceed amount of 7,036,689 (a 60.9% increase from the original contract amount), and revise Exhibit C Labor Classifications.
- The COBID D/M/W/ESB participation on this contract is $2,505,591 or 35.61% of the total amended contract value.
- The established amended cost is $7,036,689. The level of confidence is high. Funds are available in the Sewer System Operating Fund, FY 2024-25 Budget, Bureau of Environmental Services, WBS Element E11304.
NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:
- The Chief Procurement Officer is authorized to execute an amendment to Contract No. 30007680 with Carollo Engineers, Inc., for the purposes described in Section 1 in a form substantially in accordance with the attached Exhibit A, provided the amendment has been approved as to form by the City Attorney.
- The Mayor and Auditor are hereby authorized to pay for the contract from the Sewer System Operating Fund Budget when demand is presented and approved by the proper authority.
Exhibits and Attachments
An ordinance when passed by the Council shall be signed by the Auditor. It shall be carefully filed and preserved in the custody of the Auditor (City Charter Chapter 2 Article 1 Section 2-122)
Passed by Council
Auditor of the City of Portland
Simone Rede
Impact Statement
Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information
BES owns and operates the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant (CBWTP) that protects public health, safety, and the environment by treating wastewater from the City of Portland. CBWTP was built in 1952, with secondary treatment facilities expanding in the early 1970s. CBWTP treats an annual daily average flow of 76 million gallons per day and a peak flow of 450 million gallons per day.
CBWTP utilizes primary and secondary treatment processes to achieve National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit compliance. The blower system is a critical asset in the secondary treatment process which operates 24 hours per day, 365 days a year. The system consists of four blowers and air piping to supply air to aeration basins for wastewater treatment. All blowers are about 30 to 50 years old and are nearing the end of their useful life. The air piping is also aged and has had leaks in multiple locations, which reduce system efficiency. In recent years, capacity demands on the existing blower system has increased due to varying weather patterns.As a result of the deteriorating conditions and increased capacity needs, replacing the blowers will improve BES’ ability to reliably meet its NPDES permit compliance requirements. The project is to replace aged blowers and associated air piping, rehabilitate the blower building, upgrade blower controls, and provide other related improvements.
This amendment is needed because the original scope of the PTE contract did not include design for voluntary seismic retrofits to meet deficiencies because the scope of those retrofits were unknown at the time the contract was executed, modifications to the Blower building to accommodate new electrical equipment, and replacement of transformer and associated electrical panels. In addition, we have modified the delivery approach for this project due to the complexity and anticipated magnitude of construction. Portland City Council exempted the construction procurement of this project from competitive bidding and directed that the Construction Manager/General Contractor delivery approach be used. This requires collaboration from the PTE designer and additional scope for the PTE contract.
Financial and Budgetary Impacts
This legislation authorizes a fourth contract amendment and allows payment for the project with an estimated cost of $7,036,689. Funds are available in the Sewer System Operating Fund, FY2024-2025 Budget, Bureau of Environmental Services, WBS Element E11304.
- This project will neither generate nor reduce current or future revenue.
- No new City positions will be created.
Economic and Real Estate Development Impacts
Not applicable.
Community Impacts and Community Involvement
The project is located at the Columbia Boulevard Wastewater Treatment Plant. It is anticipated that there will be minimal to no impact to the community due to the execution of this contract. Regular updates on the project will be provided to the Citizens Advisory Committee for CBWTP.
There are nine (9) COBID sub-consulting firms included in this contract, and their participation is anticipated to be 35.61% of the total contract amount.
100% Renewable Goal
There is no impact anticipated towards the City’s 100% Renewable Goal.