Martin Luther King Jr. Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Jan. 20, to observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day.



Add wireless facility operators to the Utility Operators Code and amend fee schedule to include wireless facilities in the right-of way (amend Code Title 12)

Amended by Council

The City of Portland ordains.

Section 1. The Council finds:

  1. On June 7, 2023, Bureau of Planning and Sustainability (BPS) staff presented an ordinance to add a Right of Way Code to Title 12 of the Portland City Code to the Council for consideration. Based on concerns raised by wireless service providers, the ordinance was withdrawn; and
  2. The Council directed BPS staff to revise the ordinance to remove the provisions relating to the wireless service providers and to conduct a fee study for small cell facilities; and 
  3. On January 31, 2024, the Council adopted Ordinance No. 191613 that added a new Chapter 12.15 to City Code, creating a Utility Operators Code governing utility access to and use of the City’s right-of-way (ROW Code), effective April 1, 2024; and 
  4. The new ROW Code covered most of the utility operators, except for the wireless service providers; and 
  5. In conjunction with the finalization of the ROW Code, BPS worked with the wireless service providers on developing a small cell cost study, and BPS staff provided wireless companies the opportunity to give feedback on the scope of work for the small cell cost study; and
  6. In June 2024, BPS selected a vendor to conduct a small cell cost study after a competitive bid procurement process; and
  7. During the months of July through September 2024, BPS staff held weekly workshops with the wireless companies to engage them on the small cell cost study and work through code edits to add them into ROW Code (Code Title 12); and
  8. BPS held 8 total workshop meetings (4 meetings for code edits and 4 for small cell fee cost study) plus 1:1 engagements with company representatives; and
  9. On September 18, 2024, BPS held the final workshop for the code edits and came to mutual agreement on the code edits with the wireless companies; and
  10. On September 24, 2024, BPS and the cost study consultant for the small cell fee analysis held the final workshop with wireless companies to present the cost study research, findings, and BPS cost recovery fee of $650.57 per small cell site for access to the City’s ROW; and
  11. Since the completion of the cost study, the wireless companies have requested that the City conduct a comprehensive cost study that would include both the BPS ROW access costs and the PBOT permitting and maintenance costs attributable to small cells in the ROW; and
  12. When a comprehensive cost study is completed that includes the City’s costs for both access to and maintenance of small cell facilities in the ROW, BPS staff will work with other City partners to make updates and changes for the small cell fee that is charged under Portland City Code Title 12’s fee schedule; and
  13. Until a holistic cost study is complete, the annual fee for small cell access to the ROW will be $322.40 per site for calendar year 2025. The fee of $322.40 is calculated by taking the current small cell fee of $313 per site and adjusting for inflation by adding 3% for the next billing cycle for wireless facilities; and 
  14. This Ordinance adds wireless service providers that own and operate cellular facilities in Portland’s ROW into Portland City Code Title 12 and amends Title 12 to align with the City Charter changes approved by the voters, as shown in Exhibit A; and
  15. The Ordinance also adopts a revised right-of-way fee schedule that includes wireless facilities for macro and small cells as shown in Exhibit B.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:

  1. Amend City Code Title 12, Utility Operators, as shown in Exhibit A. 
  2. Adopt revised Annual Rights-of-Way Fee Schedule as attached in Exhibit B per Portland City Code Section 12.15.110. 
  3. Exhibit B, Annual Rights-of-Way Fees is binding City policy.

An ordinance when passed by the Council shall be signed by the Auditor. It shall be carefully filed and preserved in the custody of the Auditor (City Charter Chapter 2 Article 1 Section 2-122)

Passed as amended by Council

Auditor of the City of Portland
Simone Rede

Impact Statement

Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information

In January of 2024, City Council adopted the Right-of-Way (ROW) code and correlating fee schedule for all users and industries who use the ROW, except for the wireless industry (AT&T, Crown Castle, T-Mobile, and Verizon). Council directed BPS staff during the passage of the ROW Code to conduct a fee analysis for small wireless facilities before adding wireless companies into the ROW Code. 

The purpose of this project is to add wireless service providers to the ROW Code and corresponding fee schedule to govern the operation and payment of fees to access the City’s ROW with their infrastructure.

The pertinent provisions of the ROW Ordinance for wireless companies include: 

  • Providers with existing franchise agreements are exempted until their agreements expire.
  • Wireless companies who are licensees under the Code pay on a per facility basis. 
  • There are two different types of wireless facilities which wireless companies pay fees for access to the ROW: 1) small cell; and 2) macro cell sites.

Financial and Budgetary Impacts

The fees associated with this code amendment will not change for “macro” cell sites from what the companies pay today; however, for small cell facilities, the site fees will change from $313 to $650.57 per site. After the passage of the ROW Code this past January, Council directed BPS staff to conduct a cost study to evaluate the costs related to small wireless services facilities accessing the ROW. BPS hired a consultant and conducted the cost study and held industry meetings with the wireless companies to present findings and hear feedback from industry. 

The financial impact of the changing fee for small cells is expected to be an increase of annual revenues of about $75,000. 

Economic and Real Estate Development Impacts

The engagement process was with stakeholders of the wireless industry and included AT&T, Crown Castle, T-Mobile, and Verizon. The work with the stakeholders was to work through the specific industry code edits and work on a cost study for small cell facilities in the City’s ROW. In June of 2024, BPS hired GCCSS as the consultant to work with the City and wireless industry partners to perform the small cell cost study analysis. In total, BPS had a total of 8 meetings with industry. Four meetings were to address the specific code edits, and four were to work with the consultant on the cost study for small cells.  On September 18, 2024, BPS held the final ROW Code workshop and finalized the ROW Code edits. 

This legislation will ensure that wireless companies have access to the ROW and set the fees for their facilities to be in Portland’s ROW. BPS staff have spent over a year working with wireless industry partners to make edits to the proposed code and also include industry in the cost study analysis for the fees charged to small cell facilities. The overall economic impacts are difficult to quantify; however, this legislation will ensure that wireless carriers have access to the ROW through a fair and transparent licensing code and help the City avoid costly legal fees in negotiating franchise agreements which had been the legal contract previously held between companies seeking access to the ROW. 

Community Impacts and Community Involvement

There are no direct community impacts as a result of this ordinance. While general community involvement was not conducted, industry stakeholders from the wireless companies were consulted and workshops were held for industry to provide comments on the code redlines and the fee study for small cells.

100% Renewable Goal

Not applicable

Document History

Agenda Council action
Time Certain
City Council
Passed to second reading as amended
Motion to amend Exhibit A to add new "Use" definition in Subsection 12.15.030 U.: Moved by Wheeler and seconded by Mapps. (Aye (5) - Mapps, Rubio, Ryan, Gonzalez, Wheeler)
Passed to second reading as amended December 11, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.
Regular Agenda
City Council
Passed As Amended

  • Aye (5):
    • Mingus Mapps
    • Carmen Rubio
    • Ryan
    • Rene Gonzalez
    • Ted Wheeler


Andrew Speer

Cable Utility Franchise Management

Requested Agenda Type


Date and Time Information

Requested Council Date
Changes City Code
Portland Policy Document
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