*Authorize 22 grant agreements totaling $8,586,574 for the provision of services in support of providing affordable housing
The City of Portland ordains:
Section 1. The Council finds:
- The Portland Housing Bureau (PHB) Strategic Plan prioritizes preventing families from losing their homes, helping Portlanders from communities of color buy a home, and providing a safety net that includes shelters and other short term supports for low-income Portlanders who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
- As part of implementing Strategic Plan goals, PHB has used a variety of competitive processes to identify organizations that provide a broad continuum of assistance and services for low-income renters and homeowners.
- PHB will be entering into funding agreements with 20 non-profit organizations (22 subrecipient contracts) whose contract amounts equal or exceed $100,000 and are further described in Exhibit A.
- Funding is included in the City’s FY 2024-2025 approved budget and will be available in PHB’s FY 2024-2025 adopted budget in the amount of $8,586,574, through General Funds, Rental Registration funds (RR), Tax Increment Financing (TIF), HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME), and Community Development Block Grant (CDBG).
NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:
- The Bureau Director or designee is authorized to execute, amend, and terminate agreements with the organizations and for the amounts in Exhibit A, in a form similar to the contract attached as Exhibit B.
- The Bureau Director is authorized to approve funding amendment increases up to 25% of the original budget amount of any contract covered under this ordinance.
- The Mayor and Auditor are hereby authorized to make payments on these contracts from the PHB operating fund budget.
Section 2. The Council declares that an emergency exists because the program funds must be obligated within required timeframes; therefore, this Ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage by Council.
Official Record (Efiles)
An ordinance when passed by the Council shall be signed by the Auditor. It shall be carefully filed and preserved in the custody of the Auditor (City Charter Chapter 2 Article 1 Section 2-122)
Passed by Council
Auditor of the City of Portland
Simone Rede
Impact Statement
Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information
The Portland Housing Bureau requests City Council’s approval to authorize $8,586,574, in City General Funds, Tax Increment Financing (TIF) from urban renewal areas, Rental Registration funds (RR), and federal dollars to provide services in the community to further the goals of the Bureau’s strategic plan. Through various competitive processes, PHB has identified organizations for funding that provide a broad continuum of assistance and services for low-income homeowners and renters. Services they provide include emergency home repair, Fair Housing, Homeownership Counseling and Education and various services for renters and landlords.
Financial and Budgetary Impacts
The contracts in this ordinance are comprised of multiple funding sources. The funding sources are authorized in the FY24-25 Adopted Budget. The sources and the respective amounts are summarized in the table below:
Organization | $ Amount | Funding type | Activity |
AAAH – HBE & Foreclosure | $117,000 | CDBG | Homebuyer education, counseling, and foreclosure prevention counseling |
AAAH – HAPP | $120,000 | CDBG | Homeownership legal assistance (eg. Trusuts, probate) |
Portland Housing Center | $250,000 | CDBG | Homebuyer education & counseling and Preference Policy One List Management |
Hacienda CDC | $145,000 | CDBG | Homebuyer education, counseling, and foreclosure prevention counseling |
Portland Community Reinvestment Initiative (PCRI) | $355,000 | CDBG, Interstate Base TIF, N/NE TIF | Home retention counseling, and home repair services |
Community Energy Project (CEP) | $895,000 | CDBG, Lents TIF, Interstate Base TIF, N/NE TIF | Weatherization and energy efficiency improvements to offset energy costs for low-income households |
NAYA Home Repair | $277,200 | General Funds | Home repair to stabilize neighborhoods in East Portland |
Unlimited Choices, Inc. | $754,000 | CDBG, Lents TIF, Interstate Base TIF | Accessibility improvements and critical home repairs |
Latino Network | $137,300 | General Funds | Home retention and small home repairs/financial assistance |
REACH | $742,000 | CDBG, Lents TIF, Interstate Base TIF, Interstate TIF Lift | Community Builders Program |
Legal Aid Services of Oregon (LASO) | $263,498 | RR | Legal aid services for low-income renters |
Community Alliance of Tenants (CAT) | $430,423 | RR | Renter education, outreach, and advocacy |
Impact NW | $216,450 | RR | Relocation assistance for households experiencing environmental or habitability hazards in their home |
Urban League | $525,020 | RR | Culturally specific programming of Fair Housing enforcement services |
Fair Housing Council of Oregon | $110,250 | RR | Fair Housing outreach, advocacy, and education |
Metropolitan Public Defenders | $282,325 | RR | Criminal expungement services for low-income renters |
Metropolitan Public Defenders – ELD | $355,000 | RR | Eviction legal defense services for low-income renters |
Oregon Law Center | $353,000 | RR | Eviction legal defense services for low-income renters |
Resolutions NW | $165,375 | RR | Landlord and tenant mediation services |
Portland Community College | $579,333 | RR | Eviction Legal defense services for low-income renters |
United Way | $1,120,000 | RR | Financial Assistance Fund administration for Eviction Legal Defense services |
Housing Development Center (HDC) | $393,400 | RMP and GF | Management of the Risk Mitigation Pool (RMP) and Technical Assistance Program (TAP) for owners of Permanent Supportive Housing units and affordable, multi-unit rental housing |
TOTAL | $8,586,574 |
Community Impacts and Community Involvement
As required by federal regulations, a Citizen Participation Plan (CPP) describing the overall framework for public involvement was developed and adopted with the 2016-2020 Consolidated Plan. A series of hearing and public meetings were held regarding the development of the Plan, in all areas of the city to ensure access to a broad range of community members. Translation services were provided when requested. All hearings locations were accessible to persons with disabilities. All documents were posted on the Portland Housing Bureau website.
In addition to the CPP process, the Portland Housing Advisory Commission, the bureau’s advisory body, and the Federal Funding Oversight Committee, a representative body of the three jurisdictions (Portland, Gresham, and Multnomah County), reviewed the Plan and its recommendations.
100% Renewable Goal
Approval of these funding award contracts does not impact the City’s total or renewable energy use.
Financial and Budget Analysis
The contracts in this ordinance are comprised of multiple funding sources that are authorized in the FY 2024-25 Adopted Budget. Four contracts are exclusively funded by a total of $632,000 of CDBG funds. Two are exclusively funded by the General Fund for a total of $414,500. Eleven are funded exclusively by Rental Registration revenues for a total of $3,214,678. The rest are funded by a mixture of CDBG, General Fund, TIF, and other revenues.