Presidents Day closure

Most City of Portland offices will be closed Monday, Feb. 17, to observe Presidents Day.

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Create and establish compensation ranges for five non-represented classifications to support the legislative branch of the government structure defined by City Charter


 The City of Portland ordains:

Section 1. The Council finds:

  1. In accordance with the policies established by the City Council and based on a classification and compensation review, the Bureau of Human Resources is creating five new non-represented classifications and establishing compensation rates, effective 30 days after final passage.
  2. Positions in these classifications are considered administrative staff of City Council members.
  3. Accordingly, employees hired into these classifications on or after the effective date of this ordinance shall be excluded from the classified service, as provided by the City Charter and Human Resources Administrative Rules.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Council directs:

  1. The following classifications are to be created:


    Job ClassPay Range
    Council Operations Administrative Specialist $66,643.20 to $94,307.20 annual full time
    Council District Administrative Specialist $76,648.00 to $108,451.20 annual full time
    Council Coordinator $80,475.20 to $113,859.20 annual full time
    Council Policy Analyst $84,489.60 to $119,558.40 annual full time
    Council Operations Manager  $121,659.20 to $172,140.80 annual full time

An ordinance when passed by the Council shall be signed by the Auditor. It shall be carefully filed and preserved in the custody of the Auditor (City Charter Chapter 2 Article 1 Section 2-122)

Passed by Council

Auditor of the City of Portland
Simone Rede

Impact Statement

Purpose of Proposed Legislation and Background Information

The City seeks to create five new classifications to align with the new government structure directed by the recently adopted City Charter. Positions in these classifications will provide support to the legislative branch of City government.

Financial and Budgetary Impacts

There is no direct cost to create the new classifications. The creation of positions in these classifications will require approval from the City Budget Office at the time positions are created, per formal position creation processes.

The Council Operations Administrative Specialist has a range of $32.04 per hour / $66,643.20 annual full time to $45.34 per hour / $94,307.20 annual full time. 

The Council District Administrative Specialist has a range of $36.85 per hour / $76,648.00 annual full time to $52.14 per hour / $108,451.20 annual full time.  

The Council Coordinator has a range of $38.69 per hour / $80,475.20 annual full time to $54.74 per hour / $113,859.20 annual full time.

The Council Policy Analyst has a range of $40.62 per hour / $84,489.60 annual full time to $57.48 per hour to $119,558.40 annual full time.

The Council Operations Manager has a range of $58.49 per hour / $121,659.20 annual full time to $82.76 per hour to $172,140.80 annual full time.  

Community Impacts and Community Involvement

This action is largely internal to City government processes.

100% Renewable Goal

This action is largely internal to City government processes.

Financial and Budget Analysis

No fiscal impact. This action has no direct costs to the City. Creation of these classes and compensation ranges will align with the new charter structure and any future cost will come through direct council budgetary action.

Document History

Agenda Council action
Regular Agenda
City Council
Passed to second reading
Passed to second reading June 5, 2024 at 9:30 a.m.
Regular Agenda
City Council

  • Aye (4):
    • Ryan
    • Mingus Mapps
    • Carmen Rubio
    • Ted Wheeler
  • Absent (1):
    • Rene Gonzalez


Barb Siples

HR Analyst III

Requested Agenda Type


Date and Time Information

Requested Council Date
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